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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Introduction of ‚Operational Groups‘ in Brandenburg under the framework of the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability

The workshop ‘Introduction of Operational Groups in Brandenburg’ was held on the 13.11.2013 at HNEE. Participants were farmers from Brandenburg, farm advisors, stakeholders of NGOs, and researchers from local, regional and national institutes.

The conveners aimed a) to spread information about the new concept EIP-Agri which was put in place to foster cooperation between practitioners and researchers; b) to discuss ways for the support of EIP-Agri implementation and c) to develop jointly ideas for future projects.

The following presentations were held:

Welcome and introduction

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfriem, Vice President Research and Technology Transfer, Presentation
  • Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Häring, scientific leader of the farm partner network ‘InnoForum Ökolandbau Berlin-Brandenburg’, Presentation
  • Dr. Jan Freese, German Networing Agency (DVS), Bonn
  • Dr. Detmar Leitow. Economic Agency of the State of Brandenburg, Potsdam
  • Dr. Arno Krause, CEO of the Grassland Centre Niedersachsen/Bremen, Ovelgönne Presentation
  • Ilse Geyskens, Innovation Center Flanders, Presentation
  • Anita Beblek, Agrathaer GmbH, Müncheberg Presentation

In November 2013, the event was very relevant because the Federal Ministry for Agriculture had published a call for interested potential Operation Groups (deadline January 2014). After the key note speeches, participants split up in thematic working groups aiming to collect first ideas for future innovation projects.