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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Aktuelle Konferenzbeiträge - Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann

Mann, C. et al. (2021). Assessing forest governance innovations: Inspiration from innovation studies for forest ecosystem service provision. Host Session “Innovative Governance Approaches for a Sustainable Supply of Forest Ecosystem Services”. Earth System Governance Conference, 7-10. September 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia, online.

Mann, C.; Lost, L.; Hernández-Morcillo, M. & Hansjürgens, B. (2021). Governance Innovations for forest ecosystem service provision – Introduction to the session and insights from an EU-wide survey. Session 3rd Ecosystem Services Partnership Europe Conference, 07-10.06.2021, Tartu, Estonia.

Mann, C. & Bethmann, S. (2021). Erholungsleistungen des Waldes und mögliche Indikatoren. Input beim FSC Expertenworkshop – FSC-Zertifizierung von Ökosystemleistungen.
              23.2.2021, online.

Mann, C. (2021). Eingeladener Panelist für die Diskussion - Neue Chancen und neue Herausforderungen in Horizont Europe. NKS Lebenswissenschaften und BMBF Veranstaltung
             „Auf zum neuen Horizont - NKS-L Symposium zu Horizont Europa“
, 27-27.1.2021, online.

Loft, L.; Meyer, C.; Sattler, C.; & Mann, C. (2018). What happened to the silver bullet - big promises and real world performances? Taking stock of a decade of empirical Payments for Ecosystem Services research around the world. Session Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference, 15-19.10.2018, San Sebastian, Spain.

Mann, C. (2018). Strategies for sustainable policy design: constructive assessment of biodiversity offsets and credit trading. ECOGOV - The Ecosystem Approach - Does it live up to its promise? 4-5.10.2018. Bordeaux, France.

Mann, C. (2018). InnoForESt – Innovationen für vielfältige Waldökosystemleistungen. EU LIFE-IP Projekt ZENAPA Jahreskonferenz; 18.04.2018. Bollewick. 

Mann, C. (2018). Inwertsetzung von Ökosystemleistungen zur Erholungsnutzungen des Waldes – Zwei aktuelle H2020 Projekte. Impulsvortrag Bundesplattform „Wald – Sport, Erholung, Gesundheit“, 20.02.2018, Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Berlin.

Mann, C. (2018): Pathways towards providing the range of forest ecosystem services.Intergroup meeting “Main challenges for the future of forest management in the EU”, 23January 2018 European Parliament Brussels.

Mann, C. (2017): The potential of labelling in landscape management.European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) 2017: Ecological Economics in Action: Building a reflective and inclusive community, 20 — 23.6.2017, Budapest, Hungary.

Mann, C. (2016): Introduction to the Session “Can’t see the wood for the trees: Policy and business innovations for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services”. 1stEU Ecosystem Services Conference “Helping nature to help us”, Antwerp, Belgium, 19-23 September 2016.

Mann, C. (2016): The potential of labelling in landscape management. Keynote presentation. 3rd EU level workshop (Hercules project), EU Green Week “Investing for a greener future”, 31 May 2016, Brussels.

Mann, C. (2015): Local emergence and international developments of conservation trading systems: innovation dynamics and related problems. International Workshop on „Instrument Constituencies in Theory and Practice”, 7-8 December 2015, IÖW, Berlin, Germany.

Mann, C. (2015): Governance approaches of Ecosystem Services: who is in and why?Introduction to the Thematic Session. 8thEcosystem Service Partnership World Conference (ESP), 9-13.11.2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Mann, C. (2015): Governance of Ecosystem Services: Approaches for designing and adapting sustainable institutions. European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) 2015: Transformations, 30.6 - 3.7.2015, Leeds, UK.

Mann, C. (2015): Was ist transdisziplinäre (Biodiversitäts-)Forschung, wie sieht sie aus und warum ist sie wichtig?(What is (transdisciplinary) biodiversity research, how does it look like and why is it important?). Symposium „Biodiversitätsforschung – Quo vadis?“, 19.-20.5.2015, Berlin.