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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Kalender - Vortrag Johannes Guagnin: Facing the Challenge - Enhancing Resilience of Israel’s Forests to the emerging Climate Crisis

Montag, 8. Mai 2023 08:30 - 10:00

Forests in modern  Israel have always been under difficult climate conditions, such as  high temperatures in summer and little precipitation in Winter. Evidence for the emerging climate crisis with an increased occurrence of extreme weather  events, changing rainfall patterns and an increased occurrence of  drought years can be found in Israel’s southern forests -  Many previously successful species such as Aleppo Pine (P. halepensis) and Mediterranean Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) are under severe  stress and die back. J. Guagnin elaborates in his lecture the strategies of Israel’s forest service to  cope with theses phenomena, and the silvicultural tools that are  available: tree improvement and assisted migration of drought resilient  tree species.
Johannes Guagnin holds a Bachelor‘s degree in forestry and a Master’s degree in desert research. He has been  working for KKL-JNF,  Israeli’s forest service, for more then ten years  and works currently in the Forest Department’s tree improvement and  acclimatization unit.

Der Vortrag findet statt auf dem Waldcampus in Haus 15, Raum 15.001 statt und ist gleichzeitig Bestandteil der Lehrveranstaltungen der IFEM Studierenden aus dem 2. und 4. Sem.