University Executive Board
The President and his Vice-Presidents, together with the Chancellor, the Student Vice-Presidency, the Equal Opportunities Officer and the Deans of the faculties, form the University Executive Board, the Presidential Board.
Our Executive Committee at a glance
The President → Prof. Dr. Matthias Barth has been in charge of the university since 1 September 2021 and represents it externally. He heads the Executive Board, is responsible for the day-to-day business of the university, drafts the principles of the university's policy objectives and has the authority to issue directives. The President is the superior of the academic staff and exercises domiciliary rights.
Office of the President
Advisor to the President
The Vice President for Studies and Teaching → Prof. Dr. Uta Steinhardt represents the President as 1st Vice President. She is responsible for all areas of study and teaching as well as matters relating to academic and university didactic Further Education, including →quality management, the Central Study Commission, → the Career Service, → the Continuing Education Centre, → Alumni Management and → the Language Centre.
The Vice President for Research and Transfer → Prof Dr Alexander Pfriem is further expanding HNEE's strong research and transfer position. The business area includes research and development, transfer, start-ups, promotion of young talent and cooperation in the field of research. He is responsible for the areas of → InnoSupport Research | Start-up | Transfer, the →Research Service, the → Start-up Centre and the → Schwedt | Uckermark Office, thus promoting cooperation in business, society, administration and science. It develops guidelines to sharpen the → research profile and implement the university's → transfer strategy. The Vice President for Research and Transfer is also responsible for the internationalisation of research. He acts as the contact person for European research activities and represents the university in European research matters. He also heads the Commission for Research and Transfer of the Executive Board and the Senate.
As Head of Administration, the Chancellor → Markus Koenecke is a member of the Executive Board and the line manager of non-academic staff. He represents the President in legal and administrative matters and is responsible for the departments → Budget and Procurement, → Property and Eco-management, → Human Resources, → Student Support Services and the staff units → Organisational Development, → Legal Affairs and → Health Management.
Office of the Registrar
The office of student vice president has existed at HNEE since 1999. As the interface between the student body and the university management, the student vice president represents student interests in central decisions and in the university's development processes. After the election procedure was reformed in 2018, it is the members of the → General Student Committee (AStA) who select a favourite from the applications submitted and propose them to the university president. The President then appoints the person to office for at least one semester. The student vice president takes part in the regular meetings of the Executive Board and thus represents the interests of the students.
Since 1 September 2024, Pia Witt, a student on the Bachelor's degree programme → Sustainable Economics and Management, has been the 24th student vice president at HNEE. She will hold the office until the end of the 2025 summer semester and will be represented by Sander Claes.
Equal Opportunities Officer → Dr Nadine Herold
Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment | → Prof. Dr Georg Miribung
Dean of the Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation | → Prof. Dr Jürgen Peters
Dean of the Faculty of Wood Engineering | → Prof. Dr Silke Lautner
Dean of the Faculty of Sustainable Business | → Prof. Dr Uwe Demele