General Student Committee (AStA)
The AStA introduces itself
The General Student Committee (AStA) is an organ of the so-called constituted student body, to which all students at a university automatically belong. It represents the interests of students within the university and externally, e.g. in state politics. Every year, students can elect the members of the AStA and stand for election themselves. The AStA works in various oral reports. It takes a stand on university policy issues, promotes political education as well as the social, ecological, artistic and sporting interests of students. If support for student initiatives and projects is required, applications can be submitted to the AStA.

Presentation of the oral reports

The Public Relations (Öffa) oral report is responsible for communication and presentation to the student body and the outside world.
We are your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns for the AStA. We keep you up to date via the university website, the newsletter and social media and regularly feed you with the latest sustainable news. You can also get the stylish HNEE merchandise from us and of course we are also involved in many events.
The Social Affairs oral report assists students with questions relating to social support and counselling. Students can submit applications for the SoliTicket fund and apply for refunds of the semester ticket fee to the Social Affairs oral report.
The Social Affairs oral report is also responsible for welcoming new parents.
The Finance oral report has the "responsibility to manage the finances of the student body and to control the lawful use of funds" (HNEE student body financial regulations, § 5 para. 1). We draw up the annual budget and check the semester accounts of the student councils.
You also have the opportunity to apply to the AStA for funding for workshops, lectures, materials, etc.
The oral report on technology is responsible for the technical equipment at our events. At the same time, the AStA has several materials available for events, including a music system, a set of beer tables, a party tent, a projector and more, which are available to students for hire.
The Dog House oral report organises the rental of the 10 university-owned dog houses on the Waldcampus.
The rent for one semester is €50 plus a one-off deposit of €50. The rental contract for the use of the dog houses must be renewed or extended every semester. If demand is too high, we may initially have to put you on our waiting list. However, it is also possible to share the use of the house with other tenants by arrangement.
If you are interested in a dog house, please contact us.
Contact us: asta-hundezwinger(at)
The Bicycle Self-Help Workshop (FSW) offers you a place where you can repair your bike yourself. A team of volunteers is on hand to help and advise you, including a well-equipped workshop and a warehouse full of donated used spare parts. There are also second-hand bikes to buy and borrow. This is financed by the AStA budget and donations from visitors. You can find us at Ruhlaer Straße 7.
The oral report on university politics (HoPo) is not only active and well networked within the political university scene, but as a member of BRANDSTUVE (Brandenburg Student Representation), it also campaigns for the interests of students at state level.
And this applies at all levels: Regulations and guidelines are constantly being changed for various reasons. To ensure that this does not result in any disadvantages for students, these are reviewed by the AStA. Conversely, the oral report is committed to implementing guidelines that make life a little easier for students.
We are your RADAR, the oral report for anti-discrimination and anti-racism.
RADAR aims to ensure that all students and their individual needs are recognised and that their interests and opportunities are safeguarded.
The oral report was founded primarily to be there for you. If you have experienced or witnessed personal discrimination on the grounds of skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, national or social origin or religious affiliation, you can come to us, talk to us openly about it and we will try to find a way forward together. We listen and act together. We are students, just like you.
With our actions, we also try to do prevention work. Whether through lectures and seminars, outside the university or in direct cooperation with you.
We try to make you feel safe at the university. We want everyone to be able to move freely and without constraints.
Our Culture and Events oral report (KuVa) is known for organising the Freshers' Party, All-In Parties, the Graduation Party and, above all, our Campus Festival.
We want more variety in our events and would like to expand our programme in future to include concert evenings, poetry slams, open-air events or perhaps even art exhibitions. We would also like to offer more artists from our community the stage they deserve.
Sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination have no place here. To this end, we are working on a far-reaching awareness concept that applies to our events and ensures that we all feel comfortable and look out for each other.
The oral report is in charge of the gift cupboard at the HNE Eberswalde city campus.
If you no longer need your book, jumper or mug and would like to make someone else happy with it, why not take it to the gift cupboard at the city campus and browse for treasures for yourself.
Even though we take care of the tidiness in the gift cupboard, it is a community task in which you can also participate. All the treasures in the cupboard are useless if they can't be tidied away properly.
The University Sports oral report maintains contact with those involved in the sports programme at the university and represents the interests of the student body.
The newly founded International Affairs oral report aims to better tailor the programmes to international studies, bring them on board and promote exchange.
Impressions of the last few months

The logo of the Campusfeast 2024

The band attracted many guests.

Relaxation on the festival meadow

Textiles were printed at the screen printing stand.

Colourful graphics illuminated Building 1.

The fire show fascinates the guests.
Dates & Events
The student interest groups introduce themselves
Contact us
AStA of the HNE Eberswalde
Schicklerstraße 5, 16225 Eberswalde
Letterbox: In front of the canteen (city campus)
Office: Building 4, 1st floor (access via outside staircase)
Join in!
Would you like to find out more about the AStA, become active yourself or get in touch with us?
Contact us by email, drop by our meetings or visit us in the office! We are on site on Mondays from 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 3 pm and on Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm.
We are also represented on Instagram, Telegram and in the MyCampus HNEE app (@hnee.asta).