Individual study contents
You will coordinate your study content individually with your mentor. You will be advised on specialisations and supervised in the completion of two research modules and the Master's thesis . In addition to the programme-specific modules, you can attend lectures at universities in Germany and abroad, depending on your choice of research activities. The standard period of study is three semesters and comprises 90 ECTS credits .
Modules per semester
In addition to your individual research projects, which you will work on in consultation with your mentors, you will be offered the following modules in the summer semester.
Under the moderation of the lecturer, you will develop solutions for selected areas of NC machining and submit the result in the form of a term paper. The focus is on content relating to the digitally continuous machining chain, work control and specific issues relating to the control of CNC machine tools.
In the building construction course, you will acquire basic knowledge of designing buildings, building structures and building materials. We provide you with in-depth knowledge of common construction methods in structural engineering (foundation engineering, steel construction, reinforced concrete and masonry construction) and basic knowledge of current building law. The module enables you to prepare the approval planning for a building.
- Considerations of complex wood-physical and chemical interrelationships
- Influence of modification processes on wood physical and chemical properties, taking into account process engineering aspects
- novel chemical analysis and physical testing methods
Acquire basic mathematical, scientific and engineering knowledge.Basic knowledge:
- Scientifically accurate experimental work
- Analysis technical problems and developing solutions, e.g. in dialogue with mechanical engineering specialists
- Development, calculation, design and manufacture of simple assemblies conforming to standards
- Instruction in maintenance and repairs
For the bonding of organic (e.g. bio-based materials) with other substrates, measures are necessary to improve the adhesive effect of the joining partners.
In this module, you will learn about and calculate methods for adjusting the relevant properties. Upon completion, you will be able to design adhesive bonding processes that go beyond the application in the wood sector - e.g. from the automotive sector.
The elective module includes classes on fluid and conveyor technology and finite element analysis.
In addition to the individual research projects that you work on in consultation with your mentor, the following modules are offered in the winter semester.
You will get to know selected measuring methods and systems and the use of sensors. You will be able to evaluate the possibilities and limitations of measurement systems used and derive solutions for different applications. You will also acquire knowledge of selected statistical methods for evaluating measurement series and for quality assurance. You will be able to apply these practically.
You will acquire skills that include material and component testing for development and production control. Aspects of product or patent research, project planning and development, the safe application of testing and classification standards and assessment of material and component characteristics for product development are included.
You acquire in-depth knowledge of the finite element method (FEM) and finite element analysis (FEA). You will be able to create suitable FE formulations for engineering problems, assemble corresponding total matrices and solve the resulting systems of equations. You will independently recognise problems and limits and critically question numerical results.
From an engineering point of view, you have mastered the non-ideal flow behaviour of adhesives, lacquers and hardeners to determine their fluid-dynamic characteristics, and you carry out optimisation calculations for hydraulic transport and other applications in wood technology. You can independently carry out rheological measurements and analyses of the structuring mechanisms of adhesive materials.
Regardless of your enrolment in the summer or winter semester, you register for Research Project 1 in the first semester and Research Project 2 in the second semester. The registration of the Master's thesis is scheduled for the third semester. Irrespective of the semester schedule, you can complete student research projects in subject areas that are tangential to the actual research topic.
In consultation with your mentor, you will work on your Master's thesis in the third semester.
The mandatory module includes classes on corporate management and corporate succession, as well as innovation and transformation strategies and their impact on regional transformation processes.
The independent completion of an academic assignment generally continues the research aspects of the semester-long projects.