Application and admission

Information for prospective and current students

The application procedures differ depending on the degree (Bachelor's or Master's) and degree programme. Find out more about the exact requirements, application deadlines and the start date of your degree programme under Application on the page for your → degree programme.

Do you have a question?

Student Support Service hotline for questions during the application and admission process:
+ 49 3334 657-134

General student counselling for more detailed information and advice:
+ 49 3334 657-149

Study office

Stadtcampus | House 5 ground floor, right
Schicklerstraße 5 | 16225 Eberswalde

Open consulting hours in the study office:
Tuesday from 11:00 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 14:30
Wednesday from 11:00 to 12:30
Thursday from 11:00 to 12:30

Consultation appointment:
Please make an appointment for other times by phone or e-mail.

Depending on where you obtained your university or Master's entrance qualification and what you would like to apply for, you must either apply directly to our → university or via→uni-assist e.V.. Please refer to the relevant → degree programme pages under Application for information on the application process that applies to you.

You can find out which portal you need to use to apply on the respective → degree programme pages under Application.

The HNEE application portal is open from 1 June for the winter semester and from 1 December for the summer semester.

The → uni-assist application portal is open from 1 April for the winter semester and from 1 December for the summer semester.

Exchange students please note the information on the pages of the International Office.

The application deadlines may vary depending on whether you have a German university entrance qualification or a foreign Master's entrance qualification, for example. Therefore, please refer to the respective → degree programme pages under Application to find out about the application deadlines that apply to you.

The admission requirements may vary depending on whether you have a German university entrance qualification or a foreign Master's entrance qualification, for example. You can find the admission requirements including possible subject and language requirements on the respective → degree programme pages under Application.

You can submit a special application or application for hardship case together with your application for a study place in the following cases:

  • Application for compensation for disadvantages with regard to increasing the waiting time or improving the average grade, e.g. due to illness in lower or upper secondary school (only possible with appropriate proof)

  • Pre-selection based on a previous entitlement to admission, e.g. due to completing a voluntary social or ecological year or caring for a child under 18 (only possible with appropriate proof)

Exceptional hardship is deemed to exist if special social, health or family reasons relating to your own person make immediate admission to the degree programme absolutely necessary (only possible with appropriate proof). The order of priority is determined by the degree of exceptional hardship.

Applicants for degree programmes with restricted admission can increase their chances of gaining a place by providing evidence of relevant practical experience. However, the "practical experience criterion" is not binding, i.e. applicants can also apply without practical experience. In the admission procedure, practical experience can be taken into account at three different levels: relevant, completed vocational training or relevant, continuous professional activity (internship, FÖJ) of at least 1 year or relevant, continuous internship of at least 6 months.
If you would like your practical experience to be taken into account, please upload proof of the months of relevant, continuous practical experience already completed at the time of application or proof of relevant completed vocational training in your online application.

Degree programmes with restricted admission are those for which the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places. After deducting the preliminary quotas, 80 percent of the available study places for Bachelor's study programmes with restricted admission are allocated on the basis of the average grade and 20 percent on the basis of the waiting time; for Master's study programmes with restricted admission, 90 percent are allocated on the basis of the average grade and 10 percent on the basis of the waiting time.
The selection limits (also known colloquially as Numerus Clausus = "NC") from previous years can be found → in this list.
In the case of admission-free degree programmes, all applicants who meet the formal admission requirements and, in the case of Master's study programmes, also the subject-specific admission requirements are awarded a place.

You can find out whether a degree programme is with restricted admission or admission-free on the respective → degree programme pagesunder Application.

Applicants who have already successfully completed an undergraduate degree (e.g. Bachelor's degree) in a degree programme at a German university (first degree) will be selected within the quota for a second degree when applying for a further Bachelor's degree programme with restricted admission.

The ranking of the applicants is determined by a measurement number, which is calculated from the result of the final examination of the first degree programme and the degree of importance of the reasons for the second degree programme. For this purpose, a justification for the second degree programme and the certificate from the first degree programme must be submitted with the online application.

An application for a Master's study programme does not count as a second degree.

If you would like to continue a degree programme you have already started with us, you should check whether you can apply directly for a higher semester. To do this, you must submit the recognition of previous study and/or examination performance with the corresponding ECTS credits together with your application. The → Recognition form and a certificate of no objection (confirmation of examination rights) must be submitted together with the online application. We will be happy to advise you in advance.

Please arrange a counselling appointment with us. We will work with you to find individual solutions for planning and organising your studies (e.g. accessibility, application for hardship case, compensation for disadvantages). The aim is to enable you to study successfully at our university.

Family friendliness is very important to HNEE. The Family-Friendly University Coordination Office advises and supports students who are caring for their child(ren) and/or relatives alongside their studies. Comprehensive information can be found on the → Family-Friendly Universitywebsite. We will be happy to answer your individual questions in a counselling appointment.

If you would like to study at our university and do not have an Abitur, you will need a vocational qualification in accordance with Section 10 (2) points 6 to 11 of the Brandenburg University and College Act. For example, it is possible to study if you have passed a master craftsman's examination or have completed lower secondary school (Realschule), have completed vocational training relevant to the degree programme in question and have two years of subsequent professional experience.

Are you enrolled at another university and want to transfer to HNEE? Would you like to change your degree programme within HNEE? Then please reapply within the application deadline.

If you have definitively failed an examination prescribed by the examination regulations at your university (loss of examination rights), then it must be checked in which degree programme you can continue your studies. Let us advise you.

As an international student with a residence permit for study purposes, please clarify with your local immigration authority whether and how a change of university is possible before applying.

Once you have been admitted to the degree programme of your choice, you must enrol (matriculate) at our university by the deadline stated in the letter of admission. You can find out what you need for this in the letter of admission and the accompanying information sheet.

For enrolment (matriculation), we require officially certified copies of your university entrance qualification (if you are applying for a Bachelor's degree course) or Master's degree qualification (if you are applying for a Master's degree course). Please contact the following for official certification

  • the school or university that issued the certificate,

  • Federal authorities, i.e. federal authorities that have an official seal,

  • a diplomatic or consular mission of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad or

  • the notary's offices and authorities authorised to officially certify documents in the respective state (in Brandenburg, this includes the respective local, municipal or district administrations)

The official notarisation must contain at least

  • a note certifying that the copy/transcript corresponds to the original (notarisation note)

  • the signature of the certifying person and

  • the imprint of the official seal. An official seal usually contains an emblem. A simple type stamp is not sufficient.

In the case of multi-page documents, it must be made clear that all pages are included in the legalisation. Notarisations by health insurance companies, law firms, banks or churches are not accepted.

If the certification does not meet the above requirements, the university entrance qualification, your first professionally qualifying university degree or your vocational training cannot be recognised.

Do you have a university entrance qualification obtained abroad (if you are applying for a Bachelor's degree course) or a Master's entrance qualification (if you are applying for a Master's degree course) and would like to apply to HNEE? Please apply via the → uni-assist application portal and note the different application deadlines, which you can find on the respective → degree programme pagesunder Application.

Please apply early so that all entry and other formalities can be clarified before the start of your studies. We will be happy to advise you on your questions.

Would you like to attend individual classes without completing an examination performance? If there is free capacity, you can attend classes for up to 8 semester weeks as a non-matriculated person without proof of university entrance qualification. As a rule, guest students are subject to a fee. No fees are charged to students. Admission as a guest student for those with a refugee background is free of charge.

Participation in classes in the corresponding subject areas can be confirmed in writing. Unfortunately, it is not possible to take examinations.

Please complete the → guest student application form and send it to studieren(at) by 15 January for the summer semester or 15 July for the winter semester. You can find an overview of the respective courses → in our course catalogue. Please note that there may be changes to the modules offered, their dates and content.

Are you enrolled at another German university and would like to take additional modules at our university? Then, depending on capacity, you can be accepted as a part-time student at our university and earn ECTS credits. The condition is that you can study at both universities at the same time (parallel studies) and that the module you choose is a useful addition to your current degree programme. There is a fee for part-time students. The amount of the fee depends on the current fee schedule of the HNEE, the AStA and the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder).

Please fill in the → application form and send it to studieren(at) by 15 January for the summer semester or 15 July for the winter semester. You can find an overview of the respective courses → in our course catalogue. Please note that there may be changes to the modules offered, their dates and content.

Advice and service

Find out more about starting your studies, international exchange, diversity and more

Study organisation

Information on exams, timetable, financing, software, project workshops and more

Degree programme and enrolment regulations

Our regulations and guidelines for organising your studies

Selection limits ("NC")

Selection limits of the last three years

Applications for Further Education and Apprenticeships

Without admission to the first year of study? Find out here about → Further Education and → Training programmes at HNEE.

Language Centre

Get information on German and English language skills as an entry requirement. Become linguistically fit for your professional career.

Career Service

Find the right part-time job, job or organisation for your thesis and we will be happy to advise you on starting your career.

Get fit for your career start!

Options for your path after graduation and our support services