Wood Engineering

In the Wood Engineering degree programme, you will deal with production and process technology of machining and processing as well as the constructive and sustainable use of wood. Fundamentals in business administration and corporate management open up career paths for you from project engineer to managing director in the wood processing industry.

Connected with the material wood

In the wood engineering degree programme, you will learn the scientific and engineering fundamentals of wood as a material and its processing. Building on this, we teach you application-specific skills. From the fourth semester onwards, you will apply your knowledge to engineering problems in the specialisations wood technology or structural engineering. Project work will introduce you to scientific working methods. The programme extends over seven semesters and comprises 210 ECTS credits.

Study content

Individual study contents

In the first three semesters, you will acquire the fundamentals of natural sciences, engineering and wood technology in lectures, seminars, practicals and excursions.
In the fourth semester, you choose one of the two specialisations - structural engineering or wood technology. You can specialise further with elective modules.
In the sixth semester, you do a 20-week internship, which can be completed in Germany or abroad.
After further specialisation modules, you complete your studies in the seventh semester with the Bachelor's thesis and obtain the degree Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.).

Modules per semester

In the first semester, you build on the skills you acquired at school in mathematics and the natural sciences and learn the first basics of wood engineering in the STEM subjects as well as woodworking and wood processing. A special feature is a course on sustainable development, in which students from all degree programmes take part.

You model practical problems in statics and strength theory with mathematical tools and present the results. Familiar with mathematical and physical methods and ways of thinking, you apply them in other basic subjects and advanced courses. You understand scientific working and thinking methods as the basis of all engineering activities.

You will learn the basics of machining wood and wood materials as well as terms of production technology and process models of machining. You are just as familiar with cutting materials and their areas of application as you are with the processes involved when a cutting edge engages with the material wood. You will know the machines and systems for geometrically specific products made of wood and wood-based materials.

In this module you will receive basic knowledge of wood biology and acquire botanical basics. In addition to a basic understanding of wood biology, you will be able to use tools for wood species identification and distinguish so-called wood defects. With knowledge of forest utilisation, you will be able to explain secondary forest utilisation. You will become familiar with the handling of specialised press and literature.

The module teaches you the basics of technical drawing, computer-aided design and modelling of components and assemblies. You will use computers to calculate technical correlations and create technical documentation. You link example sequences to simple programmes. You have also acquired knowledge of geometric design and data processing.

You will gain insight into sustainable development, especially in relation to raw materials and resources. The interdisciplinary, networked theoretical examination of the concept of 'sustainable development' allows you to apply the findings to practical examples. You will be able to name raw materials and their origin and classify their extraction in terms of ecological effects.

In the second semester you will deepen the basics. In addition to supplementary mathematical, technological and scientific content, you will be introduced to business management.

You deepen the basics of strength theory and the mathematical tools. You are familiar with analytical methods of dynamics (kinematics and kinetics). You solve engineering problems and issues and know physical mechanisms in dynamic and fluidic systems. You can assess and evaluate structural properties of the raw material wood.

You will learn about the engineering requirements for a joint. For theory, we teach the construction of joined components made of wood and hybrid components. You will apply current standards for load-bearing and non-load-bearing bondings and master the scientific and engineering methods for planning a bonded joint. The theoretical course content is deepened by accompanying practical courses.

In the module you will gain basic knowledge of wood chemistry and wood preservation, chemistry in engineering sciences, the chemical structure of wood, chemical wood properties and the application limits of wood. You will understand connections between the structure of wood components and their function, know wood-destroying fungi and insects as well as the basic measures of wood protection.

With basic engineering knowledge of mechanical engineering and metallic materials science, you will understand the relationships between materials, machine elements and design. In the design process, you will apply this to simple mechanical engineering components in accordance with standards. You will become familiar with sample production, series introduction, maintenance and repair work. You will be able to formulate the design requirements for complex mechanical engineering problems.

We provide you with a basic understanding of the principles of economic action. You will learn to link business management contexts with the contents and objectives of the sustainability concept in a practical way and become familiar with basic corporate structures, processes and decisions.

In the third semester and therefore last semester of the foundation phase, further aspects of engineering in general and wood engineering in particular are dealt with. In an introduction to building construction theory, the first basics of structural engineering are taught.

Now you will learn the basics of electrical engineering and solve electrical engineering problems using mathematical methods. You understand electrical and electronic applications in mechanical engineering and timber construction and classify electrical systems. With an electrotechnical specialist, you can analyse systems, develop approaches for concrete circuit tasks and arrange for purpose-specific work.

You will be taught the physical-technical knowledge of basic manufacturing technology processes. The mechanical and thermal principles for the manufacture of solid wood products are taught.

After this module, you will be able to categorise and name the manufacturing processes, use and assess machine tools professionally in planning.

Here, basic knowledge of wood physics and chemistry as well as wood pyrolysis is the topic. You will learn about essential physical properties. You will know physical wood properties, be able to assess the standard-compliant use of wood and have knowledge of pyrolysis, combustion and gasification of wood. You will be able to deal with regulations and standards relevant to wood technology and physics.

You apply in-depth knowledge of mechanical engineering fundamentals to the design and analysis of machines and systems and can design welded constructions. You calculate stresses and deformations in complex components and can estimate the service life of the components. You will evaluate the dynamic behaviour of machines and optimise designs according to requirements.

Our aim is to provide you with basic knowledge of building structures, the design of buildings, building materials and common construction methods in structural engineering (foundation engineering, steel construction, reinforced concrete and masonry construction). Furthermore, we enable you to create a design for a building.

In the fourth semester, the specialisation phase of your studies begins. According to your choice of specialisation, you will now take specialised modules. Further individualisation is possible by selecting compulsory elective modules from the field of wood engineering or other offers from the HNEE or other universities.

You analyse mechatronic systems with engineering, electrical engineering and machine science fundamentals supplemented by mechatronic fundamentals and engineering mathematics. You can design and build simple systems. You have practical skills, confident handling of laboratory and measuring equipment and evaluate data with suitable statistical methods.


We teach the basics of building planning, jointly analyse partial and overall concepts in the planning process, apply the optimisation approaches for the use of solar inputs, summer thermal insulation and thermal comfort, understand the requirements and optimisation options for the thermal envelope of buildings and develop concepts for the energy supply of buildings.

You deal with the fundamentals of mechanical process engineering. This includes understanding the technical implementation of physical effects and interactions on particles with mass as well as the performance calculation and monitoring of plants for material conversion. You will gain an insight into the various basic operations of mechanical process engineering.

In relation to the knowledge of anatomical and structural differences of the wood species, process engineering references are made and different process variants are dealt with. You structure raw materials according to their quality and sort their uses in production. This is followed by the teaching of methods for structuring the production process. For the wood industry, aspects of process control are learned and quality criteria are taught.


You analyse mechatronic systems with engineering, electrical engineering and machine science fundamentals supplemented by mechatronic fundamentals and engineering mathematics. You can design and build simple systems. You have practical skills, confident handling of laboratory and measuring equipment and evaluate data with suitable statistical methods.


  • CNC 1
  • Furniture and interior design/construction
  • Alternative production methods
  • Wood construction Basics of wood technology
  • Properties of wood and wood-based materials with relevance to construction engineering
  • Production and processes for components and building elements
  • Sustainable building, material cycles 1 (specialisation in structural engineering)
  • Integrated wood preservation (specialisation in structural engineering)
  • Timber quenching and tempering (specialisation in wood technology)
  • Special materials science (specialisation in wood technology)

In the fifth semester, you continue your specialisation. The engineering project is particularly important here, in which you work on an engineering problem in group work and document it according to scientific requirements.

You work independently in a scientific manner and can also formulate your results in English. In a practice-oriented project work, you structure and control the work yourself and gain experience in self-management. The engineering project is a preliminary exercise for the final thesis, is to be completed in group work by three students and is supervised.

We teach you to understand building law contexts, to select basic designs and details for components and to develop components and connections that meet requirements. You will determine smoke management options and calculate components according to model fires of the IndBauRL. You will file the material requirements of the architectural planning and create rough fire protection concepts.

You will be able to design and calculate simple timber constructions with connections and joints, acquire knowledge of repair connections in renovation, have knowledge of the typical construction methods in timber construction, the use of design software and be able to understand and assess calculations and designs of other planners.

You know the basics of design theory with regard to sustainability and develop planning requirements for energy-efficient, sustainable buildings. You are familiar with the assessment of requirements of energy-efficient, climate-neutral construction methods, know methods of energy balancing, assess and optimise construction methods as well as characteristic values of thermal building physics and building climatics.

The focus is on structuring, designing and planning development processes in interior design and timber construction. We teach the design aspects of product development, communication skills with team members and third parties as well as presentation techniques for different target groups.

We present the basics of wood processing and lignocellulosic plants into panel-shaped materials in chipboard and fibreboard production - including the preparation of wood raw materials into particles as well as mixing and agglomeration processes. Tasks and experiments in the laboratory of the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research deepen the contents.

  • Business English

  • Production planning

  • CNC 2

  • Marketing

  • special wood biology

  • Specialisation module

  • Quality assurance

  • Building physics measurement technology

  • Fire protection

  • Raw wood quality

  • Sawn timber grading

  • Selected chapters Wood-based materials technology

  • Wood in construction

  • Automation Technology

  • Factory planning

In the sixth semester, you will complete a 20-week internship in which you can apply and practically deepen the knowledge you have gained so far. The internship can be completed in Germany or abroad.

During the practical study semester, you will prepare for your professional activity with engineering-related activities and practical content and apply acquired theoretical knowledge and skills. You will also prepare for a management position with economic and social responsibility.

After completing further modules, you complete your studies in the seventh semester with the Bachelor's thesis. You will work on an engineering topic and document this in a scientific report. With the successfully passed defence, you complete your studies and obtain the degree Bachelor of Engineering.

In the Business Management module, you will learn the basics of business law as well as human resources and business management. In addition, you will gain basic knowledge in construction and public procurement law. Through a fundamental understanding of the structural and procedural organisation in production companies, you will design operational value chains and learn the sensible use of power instruments.

We enable you to design new wooden structures and calculate them according to current standards.

The module shows interactions between materials and process influences using the example of veneer production. The effect of chemical and physical process variables on product quality is taught using plasticisation, cutting process, drying, etc. as examples. Thinking in variants to achieve technological goals is also part of the module.


  • Business English
  • Production planning
  • CNC 2
  • Marketing
  • Special wood biology
  • Specialisation module Quality Assurance
  • Construction elements (specialisation in structural engineering)
  • Sustainable building - material cycles 2 (specialisation in structural engineering)
  • Building physics measurement technology
  • Fire protection (specialisation in wood technology)
  • Raw wood quality
  • Sawn timber grading
  • Selected chapters on wood materials technology (specialisation in wood technology)
  • Wood in construction
  • Automation technology
  • Factory planning

With your final thesis, you complete the engineering-related part of the training. With your final thesis, you will implement theoretical knowledge and work on a transfer-oriented task within 12 weeks. You will apply scientific methods to develop efficient, practically applicable solutions. In the process, you will gain further experience in self-management.


After graduation

Career prospects

With the B.Eng. degree in Wood Engineering from the HNEE, you will become sought-after specialists in the wood processing industry, the wood trade or in the field of timber construction. Building on your acquired knowledge of sustainability, you will make an important contribution to sustainability transformation.

Specialisation options

You deepen your knowledge in the directions of wood technology or structural engineering.

In wood technology, you will learn about the interrelationships between the structural properties of wood and manufacturing process variables with regard to sawn timber production, the manufacture of wood-based materials and furniture production.

In structural engineering, you will learn tasks of timber engineering on the basis of Eurocode 5. Material and production technology basics provide access to optimal timber products as well as industrial production processes for timber construction.

Prospects / job profiles

As a wood technologist, you will work in the production, development and management of wood processing companies in the production of wood-based materials, furniture production, interior design, production in timber construction, mechanical and plant engineering or wood crafts. As a wood engineer, you are a sought-after specialist in engineering and architectural offices with your knowledge of wood-based materials, sustainable construction, supporting structure planning, production technology and the design of wooden structures and implementation planning.

I am an expert for fire protection in building construction projects and am responsible for feasibility studies, the development of fire protection concepts.



Yvonne Reinmüller

Project engineer with Ralf Kludt Dipl-Ing. (FH), graduate, wood engineering


I want to apply...

Application deadline
Summer semester: 1.12. to 28.2. (only possible for higher semesters)
Winter semester: 1.6. to 5.9.


Apply now

Please create an applicant account in the online application portal. You will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail with your user name and a password. Now you can log in and start entering all the information required for the application and uploading your documents. After submitting the online application, the "Print" button will take you to a summary of your details in the online application, which we recommend you print out and check. If you have discovered an error after submitting your application, please contact us by the closing date by e-mail at studieren(at)hnee.de.

  • general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or
  • subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or subject-linked advanced technical college entrance qualification or
  • a vocationally qualifying university degree or
  • a vocational qualification according to §9 paragraph 2 points 6 to 11 Brandenburg Higher Education Act of 28 April 2014 as amended (e.g. Meister or Fachwirt)
  • Certificate of general higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences, vocationally qualified higher education entrance qualification (according to § 9 (2) No. 1 to 11 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act of 28.04.2014)
  • Educational and professional background (curriculum vitae in tabular form)

Application deadline
Summer semester: 1.11. to 1.12. (only possible for higher semesters)
Winter semester: 1.4. to 15.7.


Apply now via uni-assist

If you have obtained your degree abroad, then - regardless of your citizenship - do not apply directly to our university, but via the application portal of uni-assist e.V. This is a service centre for the pre-screening of international student applications for many universities in Germany. The uni-assist website will inform you about the application procedure. Please also note the country information on the uni-assist portal.

If your application is complete and meets the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will forward your application to our university. After importing your application into our application portal, you will receive an email with access data to the HNEE application portal so that you can follow up on the status of your application.

  • a higher education entrance qualification acquired abroad that corresponds to a German higher education entrance qualification.
  • Applicants with a foreign educational biography must also provide evidence of German language skills at level C1 (according to the "Common European Framework of Reference" - CEFR).
  • Feststellungsprüfung T-course

You can apply for the Feststellungsprüfung T-Kurs on the website of uni-assistwebsite to check whether you meet the requirements.

The following application documents must be uploaded exclusively via the uni-assist application portal. Please note that this list cannot be complete and further documents may be requested.

  • Copy of the university entrance qualification in the original language
  • Depending on the type of degree and country of origin, the university entrance qualification may include the following documents (see uni-assist country information):
    • School-leaving certificates with overview of grades
    • academic achievements of 1 to 2 academic years already completed
    • Other certificates relevant to the university entrance qualification (e.g. certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre for applications from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination)
  • German language certificate C1 (according to the "Common European Framework of Reference" - CEFR)
  • Other relevant certificates (e.g. certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre for applicants from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination).

Foreign certificates must be translated into German or English by a sworn translator.

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a secondary student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

Students who are already enrolled at a university as a main auditor can be admitted to the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde as a secondary auditor, depending on capacity. The condition is that simultaneous studies at both universities are possible (parallel studies) and that the chosen module is a meaningful addition to the studies taken up.

Adjunct students are not members of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde. They may take part in examinations with the consent of the respective examiners and in accordance with the respective examination regulations. The scope of the examinations may not lead to a degree in a degree programme. There is no legal entitlement to take these examinations. Further details are regulated by the applicable matriculation regulations of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

There is a fee for the secondary auditorium. The amount of the fee is based on the current fee schedule of the HNEE, the AStA and the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder).

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a guest student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

As a rule, an application for guest auditor status must be submitted to the Student Services Department prior to the start of the course (Guest auditor application).

Persons who are not matriculated can be admitted to courses up to 8 semester weeks as guest auditors without proof of university entrance qualification within the scope of the available educational capacity.

As a rule, guest auditors are subject to a fee. No fees are charged to students. Guest auditors for interested persons with a refugee background are free of charge.

Participation in the courses in the corresponding teaching areas is confirmed in writing. Participation in examinations is excluded.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services during the application period.

We are happy to welcome you to an → exchange programme at HNEE.


FAQ on application and admission

No, there are no separate application deadlines for those who obtained their Abitur or Fachhochschulreife before the current year. You can find the current application deadlines under the Application section for each degree programme.


If the number of applications is expected to exceed the number of available study places, a degree programme is offered with limited admission. The study places are awarded to the applicants in a selection procedure. Several ranking lists are created. The average grade or waiting period of the most recently admitted applicant determines the selection limit for the respective year.
Here you can find the selection limits for the restricted-admission degree programmes of the past year:
Selection limits for restricted-admission degree programmes of the past years

No, you can only apply for one degree programme at our university. You are welcome to consult with us at an early stage to find out which degree programme might be the most suitable for you. Please contact us via e-mail to arrange an appointment. Consultations are possible by telephone, online and in person.

If the Fachhochschulreife consists of a school-based and a practical part, an application is only possible when both parts have been completed. If, for example, the practical part ends after the application deadline, an application is only possible the following year.
If you are applying for a Master's degree programme, we require a certificate of achievement from your university showing at least 150 ECTS, the provisional average grade and the expected end of studies.

You have the opportunity to apply for a place at our university even without an Abitur. To do so, you need a lower secondary school leaving certificate (Realschule), relevant vocational training and two years of professional experience or a master craftsman's certificate or Fachwirt, regardless of the subject area.

Notifications of admission, rejection or exclusion are made available in the online application portal. At the same time, information on this is sent to the e-mail address stored in the applicant account.
Notifications for degree programmes with restricted admission are usually sent out two to four weeks after the end of the application period for the respective degree programme.

Before your studies

Here you will find all the important dates, all the information about the matriculation ceremony, the university library and the language centre.


All links for orientation from scholarships, funding opportunities to finding accommodation


Welcome Programme

Our students will help you with local orientation, enrolment, dealing with the authorities, finding accommodation and much more.


FAQ before starting your studies

Are there preparatory courses before the regular start of studies?

This information can currently be found in time on this website.

When and how do I start my studies?

You will find the semester dates and the programme for the introductory events for first-year students on this page in good time.
There you will find out where to find your study plan in the campus management system → Mein EMMA and how to register for modules and exams, get to know the Moodle platform, where you will find all learning materials etc., get to know your contact persons and student representatives and initiatives as well as your fellow students and gain initial insights into individual degree programmes. So it's definitely worth taking part!

Please bring a valid ID document for the identity check and something to write down. For catering, we have a great offer in our sustainability canteen.

You can find your study plan online via the account access in our campus management system → Mein EMMA, which you will receive by e-mail with your enrolment. 

No, attendance is not compulsory, neither for the courses nor for the introductory week (with the exception of the identity check at the start of your studies, most exams and excursions for which you have registered). But: Regular attendance is of course highly recommended, as this not only supports learning progress, but also contributes to the positive dynamics of our rather small learning groups.

Most of your questions will certainly be answered during the introductory events at the beginning of the semester. If you still have questions or special needs, please make use of → our advisory services.

General information about studying

General Student Counselling

Stadtcampus | House 5 ground floor, right
Schicklerstraße 5 | 16225 Eberswalde

+ 49 3334 657-149


Counselling appointment
Please make an appointment by phone or e-mail.

Subject-specific information on the degree programme

Student counselling & head of study programme

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Neumeister

Professor für Grundlagen der Ingenieurwissenschaften


Start your own business

Everything about founding: Advice, events, success stories and the HNEE Startup Lab


Advice and events on application documents, career guidance and job advertisements


Most valuable library services

Information on the media catalogue, on borrowing media, publishing your own documents, academic work, research and citation