Landscape Management & Nature Conservation

A sustainable development of land use requires a differentiated, future-oriented land use management. We have faced up to the need for the future and have become a pioneer for a corresponding educational profile with the Bachelor's degree programme in Landscape Use and Nature Conservation since 1993. With us you study with experience for your future!

What makes the study programme special?

Your Landscape Use and Conservation degree will enable you to practically analyse and evaluate all components and processes in the landscape habitat and to plan and implement ecologically and socially sustainable developments. To do this, you will learn many methods and, together with a diverse field trip experience, you will thus receive an intensive practical orientation already in your studies. Solidly trained experts are increasingly needed worldwide in nature conservation, land use management and settlement planning.

Individual study contents

You complete the Landscape Use and Nature Conservation degree programme after six semesters. Afterwards, you can enter professional life directly or continue your qualification with a Master's degree. In the first third of the study programme, only the basics are taught. Then, as a student in the 3rd semester, you begin your practical study semester (practical phase). The 4th, 5th and 6th semesters form the specialised studies, in which you specialise in compulsory elective modules and with a thematic final thesis in the 6th semester.

Modules per semester

In the basic studies (first and second semesters), the focus is on teaching the fundamentals of natural sciences.

You will learn the basics of the abiotic landscape components soil, hydrology, geology, geomorphology and climate as well as their interaction. Questions related to the landscape are applied and you acquire methodological skills in the respective disciplines.

In this module you will learn essential characteristics of systematic groups of organisms in the animal and plant kingdoms. Relationships between morphology, way of life and ecology of organisms as well as terms, goals, guiding principles, legal framework and administration of nature conservation are contents of the module.

After completing the compulsory module, you will be able to name and recognise ecosystem compartments and eco-system interactions and establish detailed, interdisciplinary references to sustainable development. You will be familiar with the discourses relevant to sustainability after attending the module.

Here you will deal with the legal foundations of nature conservation and environmental protection as well as administrative action. You will learn about the system of spatial planning in Germany and the environmental assessment procedures for spatially relevant projects.

Learn central techniques of scientific work, their interdisciplinary application as well as work processes for the joint creation of scientific achievements.

In the basic studies (first and second semesters), the focus is on teaching the fundamentals of natural sciences.

In this module you will develop an understanding of the effects in the ecosystem and the inclusion of social demands on the landscape. You will also learn to think in landscape contexts and become familiar with methods for recording and evaluating landscape subspaces.

Now you will learn everything about the basics of soil functions, soil types and soil processes as well as the ecological functions and quality of water bodies. You will know classifications and laws of flora and their indications for nature conservation assessment. You will be able to relate the vegetation features of a landscape to abiotic site characteristics.

Learn about interactions between animals in their diversity and their environments. Attend scientific seminars on selected animal species relevant to land use or nature conservation. Complete practical courses on various animal indicator groups and their recording.

You will be able to map soils, know the connection with site conditions (e.g. landscape water, relief) and use. You will become familiar with evaluation parameters and methods in the field and laboratory. You will assess results according to agricultural and nature conservation criteria. You will also learn to derive development and management goals from them.

Here you will learn about the development history and characteristics of landscapes shaped by humans, analyse landscapes including rural settlements on the basis of maps, geodata and on-site inspections. From this you will derive maintenance and development concepts.

You will learn how to identify conifers and deciduous trees as well as grasses and mosses. You will also learn methods of vegetation analysis and deepen your knowledge of animal identification.

The module is recommended for the specialisation in Protected Area Management.

During the Bachelor's degree programme, students specialising in this specialisation focus specifically on the topic of protected area management. You complete the practical semester (3rd semester) at a suitable institution in Germany or abroad, for example at a nature conservation organisation. Both the project work (5th semester) and the thesis (6th semester) must deal with current topics in protected area management.

You can find information on the work area of protected area management as well as the requirements and application process for the specialisation on the → specialisation page.

In the third semester, there is a work-related internship with a focus on biotope mapping, landscape analysis and practical landscape management.

You will learn the basics of communication and public relations. We provide you with an understanding of public relations as a management task and the systematic planning of PR actions. Psychological basics of human behaviour in the human-nature relationship, the importance of interdisciplinary views of people and the world as well as values and ethics are also part of the module.

You will apply, reflect on and deepen the factual and methodological knowledge acquired in the first year of study in a subject- and practice-specific context. You practise communicating and arguing in a professional environment and team. The planning of the implementation of assigned tasks takes place in coordination with the supervisors.

From the fourth semester onwards, you begin your specialised studies, in which you determine a selection of in-depth compulsory elective modules for your specialisation in the degree programme.

We show you the field of tension between landscape as an ecosystem and the use of natural resources by human society. Current challenges (including climate change, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation), landscape and land use change and strategies of sustainable management are the topics of this module.

Learn central techniques of working with data and their interdisciplinary application. At the end of the module you will be able to collect, analyse and visualise data scientifically.

Gain basic knowledge about forms of sustainable agriculture, forestry and tourism land use in the context of current challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Learn about the constraints under which land users operate. Analyse conflicts and synergies arising from the protection and sustainable use of ecosystems.

This module is designed as a self-organised and autonomous work process. The expert processing of a landscape section in the vicinity of the study location is part of this. Record the natural environment and area features, carry out a nature conservation assessment and record use and management requirements. You will practise the use of methodological instruments and scientific practice.

You will expand your basic knowledge from "GIS basics". Design and implement independent project work with spatial research questions or planning with GIS. Get to know basic requirements and possibilities of CAD-supported open space planning and implement contents/functions. You will receive basic knowledge as a basis for independent further training.

This module is about identifying clear insights into the views and attitudes of the population. "Ecological action" does not start from the physical components of ecosystems, but begins with people and groups. Using the example of changing landscape spaces (e.g. Lüneburg Heath), you will supplement object-related approaches to landscape with the subject-related level.

They learn to record grassland stands, assess them according to agricultural and nature conservation criteria, discuss development goals for the stands and derive appropriate management recommendations.

Like the fourth semester, the fifth semester also serves to specialise in the degree programme through the selection of in-depth compulsory elective modules.

Now you will get to know analysis and assessment methods of landscape planning and environmental impact assessment of projects, assess relevant assessment methods with regard to their relevance and validity and apply them yourself in a basic way.

They get to know procedures of species and biotope protection, use and development under integration of nature conservation requirements, nature conservation restrictions of land use as well as legal framework conditions and measures to achieve nature conservation goals such as the EU Habitats Directive and WFD.

In economics, you will understand decision-making behaviour and the interaction of people, reflect on economic and socio-political mechanisms for the efficient distribution of scarce social and natural resources. You will be able to name and classify the basics and goals of entrepreneurial decision-making and confidently apply central business management terms.

In the project work, you solve a task from the practice of nature conservation or sustainable landscape use in a goal-oriented manner with the participation of cooperation partners within a specified time frame.

You take part in the simulation of a Conference of the Parties (COP) to an international environmental agreement (UNCCD). You take on the role of a country representative and represent the interests of a country. Find a balance between your own interests and the interests of the international community. Learn to find compromises.

Landscape is shared space - this results in many communication challenges. Where interests and demands meet, those involved must develop common ideas on how landscape can be shaped. Communication strategies are needed to avoid getting lost in individual perspectives. This is what you will learn in this module.

Protected area management Elective module | Part of the specialisation in protected area management

This module offers a comprehensive insight into the professional field of protected area management. Among other things, students learn about the historical development and current trends in protected area management, take part in a conflict training programme and deal with public relations work in nature conservation. Three excursion days enable an intensive exchange with practitioners on the range of tasks and requirements of area management.

This module teaches types and ecological characteristics of peatlands, water bodies and floodplains as well as important methods for their status analysis. You will get an overview of common and alternative management measures.

You will learn the biological-ecological basics of honey bees and wild bees as well as general honey bee science and beekeeping.

There are the sub-modules Database Management, Empirical Social Research and Statistical Methods for Collecting and Processing Spatial Data. You choose a sub-module and acquire suitable methodological competences to work on your BSc thesis. Plan and carry out the collection and analysis of primary and secondary data.

You complete your degree programme by writing an academic paper, the Bachelor's thesis. This is accompanied by a seminar and a specialist colloquium.

In this mandatory module for participants in the specialisation, the basics of various educational concepts are taught and applied in practice. You will develop educational programmes such as guided tours for different target groups in nature and landscape.

In cooperation with the Bergwaldprojekt e.V., you will learn about practical nature conservation and landscape management measures - with a focus on peatland rewetting. In addition, there is specific theoretical methodological work that complements the professional competences of the Bergwaldprojekt e.V..

For a defined spatial unit (catchment area, field, forest or similar), the components of the landscape water balance are recorded, own surveys are carried out and a water balance is drawn up from this. They assess groundwater and soil water availability and develop measures to stabilise and/or improve the water balance.

Possibilities for the conversion and use of regenerative forms of energy are shown with reference to agricultural enterprises. This includes the communication of current renewable energy sources with their conversion paths for energetic and material use as well as possibilities for the material and energetic use of renewable raw materials.

This module teaches types and ecological characteristics of peatlands, water bodies and floodplains as well as important methods for their status analysis. You will get an overview of common and alternative management measures.

You will learn the biological-ecological basics of honey bees and wild bees as well as general honey bee science and beekeeping.

FAQ study contents

The degree programme is designed as a full-time study programme. Depending on the semester and the corresponding timetable, there are varying opportunities to use or organise a limited amount of free time for work.

We have put together an overview of → student financing.

In addition to the teaching of theoretical basic and background knowledge, a comparatively high proportion of exercises, practical courses and excursions are integrated into the study programme, in the implementation of which great value is placed on landscape and object reference. Concrete and real situations, potentials and conflicts with regard to the use and protection of various landscape types are analysed and evaluated.

The number of applicants changes annually. So far, most of the interested students could be accepted with occasional necessary adjustments in the teaching schedule.

You can already decide on a subsequent Master's programme during the Bachelor's programme. This can be taken here at the HNEE as well as at other universities with a corresponding access profile.

After graduation

Career prospects

In the Landscape Use and Conservation degree programme, you will be trained for versatile tasks in a growing future industry. You will be able to analyse and evaluate all components and processes in the landscape habitat as well as plan and implement ecologically and socially sustainable developments.

Specialisation options

Those interested in environmental education will find an excellent basis in this degree programme. Building on this, you can receive comprehensive and professionally qualifying training in the field of environmental education/education for sustainable development in the Master's programme "Sustainable Regional Development" through the "Specialisation in Environmental Education/Education for Sustainable Development" given there. It is also possible to specialise in "Protected Area Management".

Prospects / job profiles

With this degree, you can take on civil society responsibility in your profession and beyond. The Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree is suitable for a quick entry into a profession or qualifies you to take up an in-depth Master's programme. The Master's programme Sustainable Regional Development would be the consecutive continuation of the degree programme. This combination is a unique training for practice in Germany on sustainability, environmental communication and nature conservation.

Particularly useful for my work today were the very different modules and subject areas, all of which are relevant and important in
a biosphere reserve.


Elisa Ingersheim Porträt

Elisa Igersheim

Sustainable Tourism Development in the Elbe-Brandenburg River Landscape Biosphere Reserve, Graduate, Landscape Use & Nature Conservation

Silke Bicker

"Erdhaftig Kommunikation", Graduate, Landscape Use & Conservation

Maria Kleimann

Gemeinwohl Ökonomie Deutschland e.V., Graduate, Landscape Use & Conservation


I want to apply...

Application deadline
Summer semester 1.12. to 15.1. (only higher semesters possible)
Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now

Please first register on the application portal of Hochschulstart to receive the identification numbers (applicant ID and BAN) required for the application. Then submit your application athttps://bewerbung.hnee.deto create an applicant account. You will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail with your user name and a password. Now you can log in and start entering all the information required for the application and uploading your documents. After submitting the online application, the "Print" button will take you to a summary of your details in the online application, which we recommend you print out and check. If you have discovered an error after submitting your application, please contact us by the closing date for applications via e-mail. You can track the status of your application on the Hochschulstart portal as well as on the HNEE application portal. Your application will keep the status "received" on the Hochschulstart portal and will only be changed to "valid" shortly before the ranking lists are compiled.

  • general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or
  • subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or subject-linked advanced technical college entrance qualification or
  • a vocationally qualifying university degree or
  • a vocational qualification in accordance with §9 paragraph 2 points 6 to 11 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act of 28 April 2014 as amended (e.g. Meister*in or Fachwirt*in)
  • Certificate of general higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences, vocationally qualified higher education entrance qualification (according to § 9 (2) No. 1 to 11 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act of 28.04.2014)
  • Educational and professional background (curriculum vitae in tabular form)
  • optional and if already completed: Proof of a relevant internship of at least six months, FÖJ or relevant vocational training, e.g. gardener or forester

Application deadline
Summer semester: 1.11. to 1.12. (only possible for higher semesters)
Winter semester: 1.4. to 15.7.


Apply now via uni-assist

Please register first on the application portal of Hochschulstart in order to obtain the identification numbers (applicant ID and BAN) required for the application. If you have obtained your degree abroad, then subsequently apply - regardless of your citizenship - not directly to our university, but via the application portal of uni-assist e.V. This is a service centre for the pre-screening of international student applications for many universities in Germany. The uni-assist website will inform you about the application procedure. Please also note the country information on the uni-assist portal.

If your application is complete and meets the formal admission requirements, uni-assist will forward your application to our university. After importing your application into our application portal, you will receive an email with access data to the HNEE application portal so that you can follow up on the status of your application.

  • a higher education entrance qualification obtained abroad that corresponds to a German higher education entrance qualification
  • Optional for EU citizens and if already completed: Proof of a relevant internship of at least six months, FÖJ or vocational training, e.g. farmer, animal farmer
  • Other relevant certificates (e.g. certificate of the Academic Examination Centre for applicants from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination).

Applicants with a foreign educational biography must also provide proof of German language skills at level C1 (according to the "Common European Framework of Reference" - CEFR).

You can check whether you meet the requirements on the uni-assist website.

  • Assessment test M-course

The following application documents must be uploaded exclusively via the uni-assist application portal. Please note that this list cannot be complete and further documents may be requested.

  • Copy of the university entrance qualification in the original language
  • Depending on the type of degree and country of origin, the university entrance qualification may include the following documents (seeuni-assist country information):
    • School-leaving certificates with overview of grades
    • academic achievements of 1 to 2 academic years already completed
    • Other certificates relevant to the university entrance qualification (e.g. certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre for applications from China, India, Mongolia or Vietnam, proof of having passed the university entrance examination)
  • German language certificate C1 (according to the "Common European Framework of Reference" - CEFR)

Foreign certificates must be translated into German or English by a sworn translator.

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a secondary student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

Students who are already enrolled at a university as a main auditor can be admitted to the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde as a secondary auditor, depending on capacity. The condition is that simultaneous studies at both universities are possible (parallel studies) and that the chosen module is a meaningful addition to the studies taken up.

Adjunct students are not members of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde. They may take part in examinations with the consent of the respective examiners and in accordance with the respective examination regulations. The scope of the examinations may not lead to a degree in a degree programme. There is no legal entitlement to take these examinations. Further details are regulated by the applicable matriculation regulations of the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services & International Office during the application period.

There is a fee for the secondary auditorium. The amount of the fee is based on the current fee schedule of the HNEE, the AStA and the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder).

Application period

Summer semester: 1.12. to 15.1.

Winter semester: 1.6. to 15.7.


Apply now


As a guest student, you can only apply for modules in the corresponding semester. You can find an overview of the respective offers here. Please note that the modules offered, their dates and contents may be subject to change.

As a rule, an application for guest auditor status must be submitted to the Student Services Department prior to the start of the course (Guest auditor application).

Persons who are not matriculated can be admitted to courses up to 8 semester weeks as guest auditors without proof of university entrance qualification within the scope of the available educational capacity.

As a rule, guest auditors are subject to a fee. No fees are charged to students. Guest auditors for interested persons with a refugee background are free of charge.

Participation in the courses in the corresponding teaching areas is confirmed in writing. Participation in examinations is excluded.

Formal applications are to be submitted during the application period by post or e-mail to the Student Services & International Office during the application period.

Detailed information on how to apply can be received under exchange(at)


FAQ on application and admission

No, there are no separate application deadlines for those who obtained their Abitur or Fachhochschulreife before the current year. You can find the current application deadlines under the Application section for each degree programme.


If the number of applications is expected to exceed the number of available study places, a degree programme is offered with limited admission. The study places are awarded to the applicants in a selection procedure. Several ranking lists are created. The average grade or waiting period of the most recently admitted applicant determines the selection limit for the respective year.
Here you can find the selection limits for the restricted-admission degree programmes of the past year:
Selection limits for restricted-admission degree programmes of the past years

Verified practical phases of at least 6 months in relevant institutions can improve the entrance grade and increase the chance of admission. More details can be found on the homepage of the degree programme.

No, you can only apply for one degree programme at our university. You are welcome to consult with us at an early stage to find out which degree programme might be the most suitable for you. Please contact us via e-mail to arrange an appointment. Consultations are possible by telephone, online and in person.

If the Fachhochschulreife consists of a school-based and a practical part, an application is only possible when both parts have been completed. If, for example, the practical part ends after the application deadline, an application is only possible the following year.
If you are applying for a Master's degree programme, we require a certificate of achievement from your university showing at least 150 ECTS, the provisional average grade and the expected end of studies.

You have the opportunity to apply for a place at our university even without an Abitur. To do so, you need a lower secondary school leaving certificate (Realschule), relevant vocational training and two years of professional experience or a master craftsman's certificate or Fachwirt, regardless of the subject area.

Notifications of admission, rejection or exclusion are made available in the online application portal. At the same time, information on this is sent to the e-mail address stored in the applicant account.
Notifications for degree programmes with restricted admission are usually sent out two to four weeks after the end of the application period for the respective degree programme.

Special feature for degree programs that participate in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure:
For degree programs that participate in DoSV (Hochschulstart), you must first actively accept the admission offer on the → Hochschulstart portal before HNE Eberswalde can send the letter of admission.

If you do not meet the formal admission requirements, you will be asked by uni-assist to submit any missing documents within the application deadline. You will receive notification of the status of your application within four weeks. 

Before your studies

Here you will find all the important dates, all the information about the matriculation ceremony, the university library and the language centre.


All links for orientation from scholarships, funding opportunities to finding accommodation

get informed

Welcome Programme

Our students will help you with local orientation, enrolment, dealing with the authorities, finding accommodation and much more.

more information

FAQ before starting your studies

Are there preparatory courses before the regular start of studies?

You can currently find this information in time on this website.

When and how do I start my studies?

You will find the semester dates and the programme for the introductory events for first-year students on this page in good time.
There you will find out where to find your study plan in the campus management system → Mein EMMA and how to register for modules and exams, get to know the Moodle platform, where you will find all learning materials etc., get to know your contact persons and student representatives and initiatives as well as your fellow students and gain initial insights into individual degree programmes. So it's definitely worth taking part!

Please bring a valid ID document for the identity check and something to write down. For catering, we have a great offer in our sustainability canteen.

You can find your study plan online via the account access in our campus management system → Mein EMMA, which you will receive by e-mail with your enrolment. 

No, attendance is not compulsory, neither for the courses nor for the introductory week (with the exception of the identity check at the start of your studies, most exams and excursions for which you have registered). But: Regular attendance is of course highly recommended, as this not only supports learning progress, but also contributes to the positive dynamics of our rather small learning groups.

Where can I get support at the beginning of my studies if I don't know my way around or have specific questions?

Most of your questions will certainly be answered during the introductory events at the beginning of the semester. If you still have questions or special needs, please make use of → our advisory services.

General information about studying

General Student Counselling

Stadtcampus | House 5 ground floor, right
Schicklerstraße 5 | 16225 Eberswalde

+ 49 3334 657-149


Counselling appointment
Please make an appointment by phone or e-mail.

Subject-specific information on the degree programme

Student counselling

Head of study programme


Start your own business

Everything about founding: Advice, events, success stories and the HNEE Startup Lab


Advice and events on application documents, career guidance and job advertisements


Most valuable library services

Information on the media catalogue, on borrowing media, publishing your own documents, academic work, research and citation