Consultation and information

We advise you on the path to self-employment.

The team at the start-up centre supports students, alumni and academic staff at HNEE in implementing their start-up ideas. The status of the idea does not matter and so even the smallest ideas can be developed further together. An appointment for an individual orientation meeting can be arranged at any time.

After you have booked a suitable appointment via Calendly, we will meet at the premises of the start-up centre. We usually start with an introduction to our funding requirements and the associated framework conditions of our free counselling service. In the next step, you explain your expectations for the meeting and present your project to us. We will then address and answer your questions in an informal discussion.

The following questions can be answered as pre-start-up counselling:

  • Identification of the business idea

  • Preparation of a business plan

  • Selection of the legal form

  • Communicating the differences between main and secondary business start-ups

  • Steps to setting up a business

If you have already set up a business, in-depth counselling is unfortunately not possible due to our funding guidelines. Nevertheless, please make an appointment so that we can find the right contact person for you.

You should allow approximately one hour for the orientation meeting. Don't worry - no special preparation or specific documents are required. It is important to us that all your unanswered questions are clarified at the end. Follow-up meetings can be arranged at any time.

Counselling can take place both physically and digitally. On the Waldcampus, the office of the Start-up Centre is located in Building 10 (side entrance, on the right). The StartupLab of the Startup Centre is located at Breite Straße 46 (the entrance is on Jüdenstraße), opposite the Löwenbrunnen (Eberswalde market square). If you are not on site, we can also offer digital meetings via MS Teams. Simply select your preferred location when requesting an appointment.

Are you interested in finding out more about setting up a company?

Then write us an e-mail or book an appointment. You can find us near the Stadtcampus and on the Waldcampus.

Book an appointment


All seminars and workshops at the Start-up Centre are open to students, alumni and academic staff from all faculties and are free of charge. The event calendar is updated regularly. No prior knowledge is required for participation.


There are no events in the current view.

StartupLab of the start-up centre

Discover the premises and technical equipment to test your idea.


We advise you on the EXIST-Gründungsstipendium & EXIST-Women funding programmes.

Success stories

Discover successful start-ups at HNEE.


General questions about self-employment, subsidies & financing briefly explained.

Social Media

Up-to-date information and exciting content from the start-up ecosystem.





Medium donor

The start-up service at the HNE Eberswalde aims to raise awareness of start-up-relevant content, idea development and qualification in pre-start-up counselling. It also identifies and supports innovative start-up projects. Funded by the European Union and the state of Brandenburg.