Research project
11/2024 - 10/2027
Project volume:650.477 EURO
Competence field:Transdisciplinary research, Scientific and academic research
Cooperation:Composite partnership
Funding partner:State funding
The research project "Transdisciplinary Research at Universities of Applied Sciences" (TDR4HAW) is the first to systematically analyse the transdisciplinary research mode (TDR) at universities of applied sciences (HAW) in Germany.
Background to the project
Research at universities of applied sciences has become increasingly important in recent decades and is characterised by close links with non-university practice, in which joint and application-oriented research is conducted on social challenges.
The research mode of transdisciplinary research is at the centre of the project. TDR connects scientists and non-scientific actors in order to integrate knowledge from different perspectives and jointly solve socially relevant problems. The project addresses the above-mentioned research gap: It systematically investigates how transdisciplinary research is implemented at UAS, how it is anchored, and what potential it holds for the further development of the German research and higher education system.
Aims of the project
- Systematic analysis: TDR4HAW systematically analyses how transdisciplinary research is implemented at UAS. Research activities at UASs throughout Germany will be recorded quantitatively and typologised qualitatively on the basis of selected case studies in Bandenburg in order to draw a precise picture of their structure and characteristics.
- Needs analysis and professionalisation: In addition to taking stock, the needs and practical experiences of the key players - researchers, practice partners and university management - will be surveyed in order to develop measures for the professionalisation and quality development of TDR.
- Concepts for the further development of transdisciplinary research at HAW: Based on the findings obtained, the project develops application-oriented concepts that strengthen transdisciplinary research at UAS in the long term and promote its contribution to the science and higher education system.
Relevance for science and society
The project closes a research gap in science and higher education research, strengthens the profile of UAS as central players in the German science system and contributes to the quality development of transdisciplinary research. Through practical concepts, TDR4HAW supports the long-term anchoring of TDR as an integral part of HAW. The project thus provides scientific findings and concrete strategies for improving co-operation between science and practice.
Further information is available here.