Network for diversity and equal opportunities
Living diversity - standing up for equal opportunities
The Network for Diversity and Equal Opportunities is an association of various coordinators and representatives of HNEE for the organisation of diversity and equal opportunities as well as the implementation of the → equality concept and the → anti-racism concept. It stands for open, respectful and inclusive cooperation. It unites employees, students and partners to promote a culture of appreciation and participation. The network is actively committed to breaking down barriers, making diversity visible and offering equal opportunities to all members of the university community - regardless of gender and gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or world view, disability, age and sexual orientation. All university members should experience participation and appreciation. With this network, we contribute to a progressive and fair university environment.

Dates and events
Counselling and support
We offer free, confidential and, if you wish, anonymous initial counselling and will listen to you. We cannot offer a solution in every case, but we are happy to support and accompany you in your search for a suitable solution and in any further steps you may wish to take, and we can put you in touch with counselling centres.