Service learning and experiential learning

Since 2019, the establishment of service learning across all universities has been part of HNEE's university framework agreement. This gives students the opportunity to scrutinise how they can leave an impact on society beyond the specialist and methodological knowledge they have acquired and applied. How can I realise myself on a civil society level? Where can I find like-minded people? How do I organise myself in my commitment and what framework conditions do I need to shape my environment?

Anchoring in teaching and research

Service learning is firmly anchored in the individual degree programmes through the modules and committee work. Results can be presented in publications and projects. The topic is also integrated into the introductory lecture →Introduction to sustainable development. The students' commitment is particularly recognised through the awarding of the Eberswalde University Society's Commitment Prize and the City of Eberswalde Prize.

The module "sustainably committed" gave me sensitised insights into the everyday commitment of the actors in their immediate environment outside the university context.


Vivian Welzel

Master's study programme Regional Development & Nature Conservation, participant in the "sustainably committed" module


University network "Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V."

HNEE has been a member of the university network Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V. since 2017. The members see the encouragement and empowerment of personal and social responsibility as an essential educational mission. The network serves the exchange of experience, practical development, research networking, public relations work and the representation of interests.

Fünf Personen sind im Wald und halten Drumsticks eines Schlagzeugs in den Händen, bereit auf einem Baumstamm zu trommeln.

Commitment at the HNEE

Our university members are involved in many different areas - in officially elected committees, in foundations, associations and active groups at the university, but also in the city of Eberswalde and the region.

Are you active in civil society?

We look forward to new alliances and co-operations and are happy to support you.