Prof. Dr. Claudia Brözel
Professorship in Tourism Economics and Tourism Marketing
Claudia.Broezel(at) | |
Phone | +49 3334 657-331 |
Room | 02.203 |
Website | |
- Head of the Master's programme in Sustainable Tourism Management
- Tourism economics, digital transformation & ethics
- Case studies for sustainable marketing, methods of empirical social research
- Sustainable marketing management project
- Smart Tourism: Trends in research and application
- Master's colloquium
- Social Entrepreneurship
Digital Services, Data Integration and Data Autonomy for a More Sustainable Tourism Industry
The overarching goal of the Digital Services, Data Integration and Data Autonomy for a More Sustainable Tourism Industry (DIANA-T) project is to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism industry, along the entire tourism value chain, to participate in the digital value chain and the data economy. To this end, three solutions are being developed, which will be designed as prototypes and tested and improved through practical application in an iterative process.
Move for Female Transformation
The Move for Female Transformation (MoFeT) project has set itself the goal of sustainably improving career and promotion opportunities for women in the tourism industry. Building on two central levels - creating awareness and imparting expertise - MoFeT aims to enable employees and companies to increase the proportion of women at all hierarchical levels and sensitise them to gender equality by offering workshops and coaching in various gender constellations.
Preparatory project in the BMBF-HAW for the Horizon call: Gender-specific differences in the professional careers of parents and their effects
Online course at the Virtual Academy for Sustainability at the University of Bremen: ‘Tourism management in the field of sustainability’
Students can choose this course as a special module on application for 3 ETCS.
Professor of Marketing and eCommerce in Tourism at the University for Sustainable Development (HNE) in the Sustainable Tourism Management (NTM) programme
Lectureship at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences on quality management and service design in tourism
Doctorate with Prof. Dr oec. habil. Ulrike Stopka, Chair of Communication Economics, Dresden University of Technology, with the title: ‘Prospects for transactions in the Internet economy using the example of the travel industry - a Delphi study’.
The work is permanently available online via the SNL at
Research assistant ‘eCommerce in Tourism’ at Heilbronn University, Faculty W2.
Lecturer at the EC Europa Campus Baden Baden and Mannheim in the study module Media Practice Online
Founding member and managing director of the Verband Internet Reisevertrieb ( The association represents the leading online portals of the German (European) travel industry such as expedia, opodo, lastminute etc.).
Founding member and managing director of the Verein zur Förderung der alternativen Streitschlichtung (FaSir) e.V., which operates the Reiseschiedsstelle, Schlichtungsstelle für Online-Reisen. (
The Travel Arbitration Board was the first arbitration board for travel in Europe and was recognised by the EU in 2006.
Master's programme: MA International Tourism Management at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences
Master's thesis: The influence of the Internet on the change in tourism value creation processes with special consideration of the trust factor: Degree: Master of Arts
Lecturer in tourism policy at the School of Tourism, Frankfurt
Lecturer in tourism policy and general tourism management at the Merkur Akademie in Darmstadt
Lecturer at the F+U in Heidelberg (communication, working methods)
Lecturer at the IHK Heilbronn in the field of work methodology
Training courses for tourism education centres run by the NGO ECPAT/Germany
Lecturer in tourism policy at the ANGELL Business Institute, Freiburg
Lecturer in tourism policy and tourism marketing at the Heidelberg Foreign Language Institute (HFI)
Various workshops, block seminars and lectures at various tourism training centres and associations
(e.g. BA Ravensburg, Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit/ Stuttgart, World University Service (WUS) - Deutsches Komitee e.V. Projekt Studienbegleitprogramm (STUBE) Hessen; Deutscher Reiseverband (DRV)/Berlin; Deutsches Seminar für Tourismus (DSFT))
Lecturer at Heilbronn University, specialising in business ethics/sustainability and e-commerce projects
Assistant to the Mayor of the town of Löwenstein: Tourism Officer of the town of Löwenstein
Foundation of the [tse:be:] marketing and research projects ( (for a detailed project list and details see website)
Freelance employee of the European Natural Heritage Foundation/Radolfzell in the field of tourism marketing and project management in the project ‘Tourism Development La Gomera/Canary Islands’
Studies: Tourism Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Heilbronn
Diploma thesis: European tourism development in the area of conflict between economy and ecology - a comparison of two planning approaches for the island of La Gomera: Degree: Diplom-Betriebswirtin FH
Assistant at the Research Institute for Leisure and Tourism at the University of Bern, with Prof Jost Krippendorf and Prof Hansruedi Müller
Studied at the University of Bern/Switzerland as a guest student in the following subjects
1. ecology and tourism
2. management in tourism
3. general ecology as an interdisciplinary degree programme with Jost Krippendorf
Trained as a hotel manageress at the ‘Sommerberghotel’ in Wildbad/Black Forest. Graduation: Hotel manageressu
Director of Education and Overall Chair ENTER21
Director of Education as a member of the Board of the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT)
Appointment to the Tourism Advisory Board of the State of Brandenburg
Scientific advisory board in the project ‘Environmental communication as a sustainable value driver’ of premium cola, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
Jury of the Springboard innovation competition organised by the Association of Internet Travel Sales (VIR)
Market Research Expert Committee of FraPort AG
Jury of the Golden Palm GEO SAISON
Advisory Board of the German National Tourist Board (GNTB)
Market Research Committee of the German Travel Association
Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen (FUR) and co-development of the Reiseanalyse in relation to the Internet, co-development of Reiseanalyse Online (since March 2007)
Online Committee of the German Travel Association
ECPAT Germany Training of tourism professionals on the problem of child prostitution
Member of the Senate
Chairwoman of the Examination Board of Faculty 4
Member of the Faculty Council
Member of the HNEE IT Commission
Member of the study commission of the HNEE
Member of the German Society for Tourism Science
Member of the Federal Association of the Digital Economy
Member of the HNEE Library Commission
Member of the Travel Industry Club
Member of the International Federation of Travel and Technology (IFITT)
Link to external publications page: Link
Brözel, Claudia ; Freitag, Lukas
ESKINAT Projektabschlussbericht
Höpken, Wolfram ; Brözel, Claudia ; Soutscheck, Martin ; Reuter, Simon ; Freitag, Lukas ; Siegemund, Holger ; Palme, Karsten ; Huber, Dominik
- Mittels quantitativer und qualitativer Panelbefragung (Teil 1)
Brözel, Claudia ; Freitag, Lukas
Lecture at the youth conference “Spoonbill Nest” Albania (online), 7. December 2020
Lecture (online) FH Salzburg at the international ethics conference ‘2Business Succession- an important aspect of social sustainability for tourism and hospitality industry in Austria’, 24 November 2020
Lecture ‘Child Protection Consideration in the New Digital Frontier’ at the invitation of ECPAT Germany: Challenges & Opportunities for Child Protection in the New Decade (Bread for the World), 2 March 2020
Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Im Gespräch „Urlaub in Corona-Zeiten: Wohin geht die Reise?“
04.05.2021 NDR – Mensch Margot: Sommerurlaub 2021
26.02.2021 Deutschlandfunk Kultur: Wortwechsel: Wann werden wir wieder reisen und wie?
10.03.2021 Panel: Wie viel ist wenig? (Berlin Travel Festival)
25.02.2021 mdr.: Zwischen Thüringer Meer und Sächsischer Schweiz – Wo bleiben die Urlaubsgäste?“
31.12.2020 Süddeutsche: Städtereisen behalten Ihren Reiz
30.12.2020 Der Spiegel: Wie verändert Corona das Reisen
Enorm-Magazin- eigene Kolumne und mehrere Artikel zu nachhaltigem Tourismus
28.04.2020 eigenes Interview mit Philip Wolf PhocusWright (USA) und Prof.Dr. Rodolfo Baggio (Italy)
What if Crisis is a chance ?
11.10.2019 SWR: Planet Wissen: Tourismus: Reisefieber mit Risiken und Nebenwirkungen
04.07.2019 Scobel: Tourismus-Kollaps
Panel: Wie viel ist wenig? (Berlin Travel Festival)
Enorm-Magazin- eigene Kolumne und mehrere Artikel zu nachhaltigem Tourismus
What if Crisis is a chance ?
eigenes Interview mit Philip Wolf PhocusWright (USA) und Prof.Dr. Rodolfo Baggio (Italy)