Double degree graduate Alexander Greiner again honoured with BioThesis research prize

The Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) is delighted that its graduate Alexander Greiner has once again been honoured with the prestigious BioThesis research award. On 12 February 2024, he was awarded the research prize of the organic food industry for his master's thesis at the BIOFACH trade fair in Nuremberg. This makes him the first winner in the history of the BioThesis award to receive this honour for the second time.

In his master's thesis entitled "Multifunctional livestock farming as a concept for the future - criteria for the evaluation and conceptualisation of sustainable livestock farming with a focus on cattle", Alexander Greiner examines the future of livestock farming. He is developing a concept that integrates animal welfare, social aspects and ecological and economic criteria. His bachelor's thesis "The true price of our milk. A holistic view of the true costs using the example of humane dairy farming" was awarded the BioThesis Prize.

Greiner completed the Master's study programme in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems at HNEE as part of the double-degree programme with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). As a result, he was awarded both a Master of Science in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems from HNEE and a Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources from ZHAW. His work at HNEE was supervised by Prof Dr Jens Pape and at ZHAW by Dr Roman Grüter.

In his laudatory speech, Prof. Dr Jens Pape praised Greiner's outstanding work: "Against the backdrop of increasing environmental problems, consumer behaviour that leads to planetary boundaries being exceeded and the threat to food security, Alexander Greiner addresses a highly topical issue: Does traditional livestock farming still have a future? Or what can multifunctional livestock farming look like that combines animal welfare, social aspects, ecology and economy?" Greiner's concept offers a promising approach to discussing the myths of livestock farming and developing a sustainable food system.

Greiner himself also emphasises the importance of a holistic view of livestock farming in his work: "The approach of multifunctional livestock farming reminds us that nature does not recognise monocultures and that animals are more than just suppliers of food. By viewing animals as fellow creatures and utilising their diverse functions, we can not only improve food security, but also achieve a sustainable approach to our environment."

The BioThesis Prize is awarded annually for outstanding theses on the organic production, processing or marketing of food. The winners have the opportunity to present their research findings to an expert audience at BIOFACH and receive prize money. The research prize is sponsored by the Lebensbaum Foundation, BIOFACH, the Schweisfurth Foundation, the Alliance for Grandchild-Friendly Agriculture, the Bioland Foundation and the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. He is also supported by numerous member companies of the Association of Organic Food Producers (AöL).

HNEE warmly congratulates Alexander Greiner on this extraordinary achievement and is delighted that his work is making a valuable contribution to sustainable agriculture.


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