Studi'O Days 2021 - Invitation to the digital study orientation week of Brandenburg's state universities

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) presents itself at the information exchange about studying at state universities in Brandenburg: The Brandenburg Study Orientation Network invites you to the digital study orientation week from 26 to 30 April 2021. Under the motto "Five days, one goal", students and staff from the student counselling services at Brandenburg's universities will guide interested parties through Brandenburg's higher education landscape. They will answer questions about specific degree programmes, including law, sports, humanities, engineering, economics and natural sciences, as well as general questions about studying. The aim is to support young prospective students in choosing their desired degree programme.

The highlights of the free programme include the large information evening for all universities in Brandenburg, workshops from the MINT series with insights into degree courses in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, exceptional information on midwifery and the presentation of dual degree courses with a focus on health. There will also be a colourful mix of campus tours and general information on topics such as financing, housing, everyday life as a student, the choice between university and university of applied sciences and the numerus clausus. The Studi'O Days will be accompanied by a daily Instagram challenge and live contributions with insider knowledge from students on the Instagram channel of the Brandenburg Study Orientation Network.

The universities involved in Studi'O Days include the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), the University of Applied Sciences Königs-Wusterhausen, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, the Brandenburg University of Technology, the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau and the University of Potsdam.

The HNEE Study Orientation team (Student Services & International Office) led by Leni Rohrbach, Viola Debus and Emilia Sinkeviciute will be there on 26/27/28 and 29 April (on 29 April via insta-live).

About the Brandenburg Study Orientation Network
As an independent association of the major state universities in Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Study Orientation Network supports prospective students in their search for their personal path to university. The focus is on those seeking advice. By providing sustainable, cross-university information and personal counselling services, young people are encouraged to explore the diversity of the German higher education landscape. The basis is a joint concept for study orientation that has been established for many years, as well as the cross-institutional expertise of an experienced team, which presents a wide range of study options in cooperative events at schools and universities and thus better meets the diverse inclinations and interests of young people. A binding didactic concept as well as joint information and teaching materials enable comprehensive work in the capital region, regardless of the range of programmes offered by individual universities. The network's central coordination centre also guarantees easy access for teachers and enables joint appearances by all participating universities without any coordination effort on the part of the schools. The Brandenburg Study Orientation Network operates on a non-profit basis, is always free of charge for schools and is regularly evaluated across all universities.