Reusable on wheels - a guide
The Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) and the Mehrwegverband Deutschland e.V. have jointly developed and published the practice-oriented guide "Mehrweg auf Rädern - Aktiver Klima- und Ressourcenschutz durch Mehrwegnutzung bei mobilen Menüdienstleistern" as part of the "Beratungs- und Vernetzungsstelle Verpackungsreduktion in Brandenburg" (BVVB) project. The guide shows how the introduction of reusable systems not only protects the climate and resources, but also what opportunities and benefits the changeover offers companies.

The practice-orientated guide has been designed for providers of "meals on wheels", as mobile meal services offer great potential for the introduction of a reusable system.
By using reusable meal trays, large quantities of packaging waste can be avoided and valuable resources conserved. Companies can also save costs by making the switch. This depends on the type and cost of the disposable packaging previously used, the initial investment costs of the changeover and the ongoing costs of cleaning the reusable containers.
The guide emphasises the growing importance of reusable systems due to the legal framework conditions. These include the extended producer responsibility contained in the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) and the obligation to offer reusable containers, which is also laid down in the law. An extension of the obligation to offer reusable packaging to all packaging materials is foreseeable as a result of a draft law from the Federal Ministry for the Environment.
A clearly structured, detailed five-step plan illustrates how companies can successfully implement the introduction of reusable systems. The guide contains an overview of the relevant factors for comparing single-use and reusable solutions as well as information on investment requirements and possible sources of funding, including public funding programmes. It also provides an implementation plan and suggestions for adapting corporate communications.
Practical examples round off the guide and give an insight into the possibilities of a concrete realisation of the introduction of a reusable system. Finally, two digital purchase and rental reusable systems are presented that can be used during the changeover.
In a nutshell: A guide to the economic and ecological benefits of reusable systems. It is available here and from the Reusable Food Association.
"Meals on Wheels" is a service aimed at elderly people and people in need of assistance. This service involves the delivery of ready-prepared meals to private households. Large quantities of packaging waste are generated during the transport of the meals due to disposable plastic and aluminium napkins (disposable tableware).
The BVVB is subsidised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) of the state of Brandenburg.
About the German Reusable Association
The non-profit Mehrwegverband Deutschland e.V. was founded in 2022 and is made up of around 90 members, mainly companies and organisations that are
- system operators of reusable packaging solutions for food, mail order, take-away or drugstore items,
- fill food or cosmetics in reusable packaging,
- scientifically investigate, research and/or advise on the subject of reusable packaging,
- or offer solutions in material selection, cleaning, logistics or sorting.
The common goal is to avoid packaging waste and close material cycles so as not to lose valuable materials and resources. The association's clear focus is on reusable systems.
Its work is based on networking, the exchange of experience and collaboration between members and external stakeholders from business, civil society and science. We work together to make reusable packaging an ecologically and economically favourable option in as many areas as possible. Mehrwegverband Deutschland e.V. initiates and supports practical projects to develop the physical and digital reusable infrastructure as well as projects to standardise and improve interoperability between reusable systems. It also supports scientific studies as well as public relations work and capacity building for various target groups.
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The photos available here may be used for reporting purposes. Please note the copyright notice © Mehrwegverband Deutschland e. V.