Project launch: Transdisciplinary Research at Universities of Applied Sciences
On 1 November, the research project "TDR4HAW. Transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences - status quo and potential of a sleeping giant" was launched at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) on 1 November. To date, there have been hardly any studies on transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences (UAS). With empirical data and concepts for profiling this type of research at UAS, the project aims to contribute to the more systematic promotion of the great, but often still dormant potential at UAS and to open it up for the science system.

The project pursues the research objective of investigating transdisciplinary research (TDR) at UAS. The interdisciplinary team from the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (project leader), the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Centre for Higher Education Research in Gütersloh will be funded over the next three years as part of the BMBF's "Science and Higher Education Research" funding line.
Research at UASs has become increasingly important in recent decades and is characterised by close links with non-university practice. This application-orientated research approach at UASs has parallels with transdisciplinary research, which is aimed at cooperation between science and non-scientific stakeholders to solve social problems. Prof Dr Benjamin Nölting, project manager at HNEE, explains the special nature of the project: "To date, there have been hardly any studies on transdisciplinary research at UASs, although some of them have been conducting application-oriented research very closely together with practitioners for decades. In the TDR4HAW project, we want to investigate for the first time how this type of research is implemented and anchored at UAS. We suspect that this type of research can be much better supported and further developed at UAS."
In the joint project, the research activities at UAS in Germany will be quantitatively recorded and qualitatively typologised with regard to their manifestation of TDR. The characteristics, structures and framework conditions of TDR are analysed in detail in case studies on the federal state of Brandenburg. The project also identifies the needs of stakeholders, including researchers, practice partners and university management, with regard to the professionalisation and quality development of TDR at UAS. The findings will be validated with experts and practitioners with regard to their transferability.
New findings should provide impetus for transdisciplinary research. The project aims to develop concrete concepts for the profiling and further development of this research at UAS in order to tap the diverse potential of this sleeping giant more systematically for the science and higher education system.
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