Claudia Lenz

Research assistant - Chemistry and physics of wood
Mail Claudia.Lenz(at)
Phone +49 3334 657-572
Location Forest Campus | Alfred-Möller-Straße 1 | 16225 Eberswalde
Room 25.103
  • research assistant in the Department of Chemistry and Physics of Wood
  • microscopy, surfaces, wood anatomy
  • project-related

Color changes - Predictability of color changes of wood used indoor - A new approach to evaluate the color change as a function of the radiation dose
German Research Foundation (DFG), project number: 442135169


Drought in Norway spruce - Drought risk and adaptive potential of different Norway spruce populations
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the "Waldklimafonds" Funding code: 22WB408302
Duration: 15.12.2015 - 31.03.2020
Project sponsorship: Fachagentur Nachwachsene Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) und Kompetenz- und Informationszentrum Wald und Holz (KIWuH) - as of 01.01.2019; Project sponsorship before: Federal Office for Agriculture an Food (BLE) - (ptble)

• Thünen-Institute, Institute of Forest Ecosystems (TI-WO), Eberswalde (Projektkoordination); Institute of Forest Genetics (TI-FG), Großhansdorf
• Landeskompetenzzentrum Forst Eberswalde (LFE - german)
• Prof. Dr. Andreas Bolte (Project coordination, collaborative project),
• Prof. Dr. Silke Lautner (Project lead, HNEE sub-project)

The project analyzes the vulnerability of spruce stands to drought extremes, which are expected to become more frequent and more severe due to ongoing climate change. Different populations and origins from the distribution area of spruce in Europe are being investigated using material from a provenance trial. Drought tolerance is assessed using growth and vitality indicators, and the findings are linked to physiological markers (biomarkers) and wood anatomical characteristics. In addition, genetic markers potentially associated with drought tolerance will be developed and tested.

The combined field studies and greenhouse experiments will allow a comprehensive assessment of the drought tolerance of spruce trees at different ages from an ecological, physiological and genetic point of view. With the described approach, the proposed project can provide scientifically sound knowledge and practical silvicultural advice for optimized forest adaptation through the use of drought-tolerant spruce origins.

The sub-project, which is based at the Department of Applied Biology of Wood, focused on the investigation of wood anatomical characteristics.


Dendroecological and ecophysiological studies on the climate sensitivity of rare native tree species - HNEE-SHB
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the "Waldklimafonds"
Funding code: 22WC410301
Duration: 01.02.2016 - 31.01.2019
Project sponsorship: Fachagentur Nachwachsene Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) und Kompetenz- und Informationszentrum Wald und Holz (KIWuH) - as of 01.01.2019; Project sponsorship before: Project sponsorship before: Federal Office for Agriculture an Food (BLE) - (ptble)

• Thünen-Institute, Institute of Forest Ecosystems (TI-WO), Eberswalde
• Landeskompetenzzentrum Forst Eberswalde (LFE - german)
• Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) - Laboratory of Isotope Biogeochemistry
• Prof. Dr. Harald Schill - Head of project

In the three-year project “Dendroecological and ecophysiological studies on the climate sensitivity of rare native tree species”, various occurrences of wild apple, wild pear, service tree, hornbeam, bird cherry, field maple, sand birch and common yew in the north-east German lowlands are being investigated.

Supported by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) with funds from the Forest Climate Fund (WKF), forest stands with important occurrences have been localized since March 2016, based on the results of the federal project “Recording and documentation of genetic resources of rare and endangered tree species in Germany” in cooperation with the LEF Brandenburg. Since then, trial areas with around 15 sample trees have been designated, cores taken and stand data collected in the selected study areas. The aim in the second year of the project is to create master chronologies for the individual tree species. C isotopes on tree rings are to be analyzed in greater depth for selected reference periods. At the same time, a trial with over 1000 potted forest trees of the respective tree species was set up in the experimental garden of the HNEE Forest Botanical Garden. During the next three vegetation periods, ecophysiological measurement series will be carried out on over 200 potted trees in a desiccation experiment.


Dendroökologische und ökophysiologische Untersuchungen zur Klimasensitivität seltener heimischer Baumarten - HNEE-SHB
Förderung: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) und Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU) im Rahmen des Waldklimafonds
Förderkennzeichen: 22WC410301
Laufzeit: 01.02.2016 - 31.01.2019
Projektträgerschaft: Fachagentur Nachwachsene Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) und Kompetenz- und Informationszentrum Wald und Holz (KIWuH) - ab 01.01.2019;
vorher Projektträger (pt) Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) - (ptble)

• Thünen-Institut, Institut für Waldökosysteme (TI-WO), Eberswalde
• Landeskompetenzzentrum Forst Eberswalde (LFE)
• Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER) - Labor für Isotopen-Biogeochemie
• Prof. Dr. Harald Schill - Projektleitung

Im dreijährigen Projekt „Dendroökologische und ökophysiologische Untersuchungen zur Klimasensitivität seltener heimischer Baumarten“ werden verschiedene Vorkommen von Wild-Apfel, Wild-Birne, Elsbeere, Hain-Buche, Vogel-Kirsche, Feld-Ahorn, Sand-Birke und Gemeine Eibe im nordostdeutschen Tiefland untersucht.

Gefördert durch die Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) aus Mitteln des Waldklimafonds (WKF) wurden seit März 2016, in Anlehnung an die Ergebnisse des Bundesvorhabens „Erfassung und Dokumentation genetischer Ressourcen seltener und gefährdeter Baumarten in Deutschland“ in Zusammenarbeit mit der LEF Brandenburg Waldbestände mit wichtigen Vorkommen lokalisiert. In den ausgewählten Untersuchungsgebieten werden seit dem Versuchsflächen mit etwa 15 Probebäumen ausgewiesen, Bohrkerne entnommen und Bestandesdaten erhoben. Das Ziel im zweiten Projektjahr ist es für die einzelnen Baumarten Masterchronolgien zu erstellen. Für ausgewählte Weiserperioden sollen vertiefend C-Isotope an Jahrringen analysiert werden. Parallel dazu wurde im Versuchsgarten des Forstbotanischen Gartens der HNEE ein Versuch mit über 1000 getopften Waldbäumen der jeweiligen Baumarten angelegt. Hier werden während der nächsten drei Vegetationsperioden ökophysiologische Messreihen in einem Austrocknungsversuch an über 200 getopften Bäumen durchgeführt.


Research assistant at HNEE
• Faculty of Wood Engineering, Field of Chemistry and Physics of Wood (since 2019)
• Faculty of Wood Engineering, Field of Wood Biology (2016-2019)
• Faculty of Forest and Environment, Field of Botany, Phytopathology (2018)


Student assistant
Student assistant in the research project at System 180 GmbH/aceteam GmbH and HNEE, Faculty of Wood Engineering, Professorship Chemistry and Physics of Wood
• product development: Wood-E-Bike


Studium Holztechnik (M.Sc.)
Study programme "Wood Science and Technology" (M.Sc.), Faculty of Wood Engineering, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
• Master thesis: „Holzanatomische Untersuchungen von Fichten-Bohrkernen (german)“
• Opus 4 repository:
• Degree, overall grade "with distinction"


Studium Holztechnik (B.Sc.)
Study programme "Wood Science and Technology" (B.Sc.), Faculty of Wood Engineering, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
• Bachelor thesis: "Untersuchungen zur Bildung von Kupferoxalat am Beispiel von Poria placenta (german)"
• Opus 4 repository:
• Degree, award of the Gunther-Wolff-Prize (german) 2015 of the HNEE for outstanding theses


Apprenticeship as a cabinet maker
Professional training, apprenticeship as cabinetmaker, master carpenter Thomas Gramke in Berlin
• Certificate of completion, Marcel-Breuer-Schule, Upper secondary school "Holztechnik, Glastechnik und Design" in Berlin
(today: "Max-Bill-Schule - Oberstufenzentrum für Planen, Bauen, Gestalten")
• Journeyman's certificate, journeyman's examination at the Chamber of Crafts Berlin


Studium Kulturwissenschaften B.A. - without degree
Social and Cultural Studies B.A., Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)


Member of the Senate
as a representative of the academic staff


Founding member of the Commission for Gender Equality
as representative of the Senate


EHG - Eberswalde University Society


Member of various appointment committees
as a representative of the academic staff

Link to external publications page: Opus 4 Repositorium


Analysis of irradiated, untreated wood surfaces using UV-microspectrophotometry (UMSP)

Lenz C, Koch G, Pfriem A. [Proceedings paper]


In: Proceedings of the 6th Wood Anatomy Colloquium, organised by the Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH (IHD); 07-08 November 2024, Dresden, Germany (Ed.: IHD gGmbH), pp: 121-130


How is the colour change of wood assessed – as a function of time or as a function of radiation dose?

Lenz C, Gollee P, Pfriem A. (2024) [Proceedings extended abstract]


Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 22-24 October 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (ed.: D. Ridley-Ellis)

DOI: t.b.a in opus4

WSE - Repository of papers:


Lenz C, Gollee P, Pfriem A. (2024) [short popular science abstract]

How is the colour change of wood assessed – as a function of time or as a function of radiation dose? In: Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 22-24 October 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (ed.: D. Ridley-Ellis)


This contribution received an honorable mention in the run-up to the award for submitted popular science abstracts, which was written for young people (understandable for typical 16-year-olds) to engage them for research.


Lenz C, Wolff I, Beyer M, Koch G, Pfriem, A. (2023) [Data management plan]

DMP: Predictability of color changes of wood used indoor - A new approach to evaluate the colour change as a function of the radiation dose. Research Data Management Questionnaire. Zenodo.




Lenz C, Gollee P, Kühn M, Leich C, Pfriem A. (2023) [extended abstract]

Artificial irradiation (indoors) of European wood species at different irradiation intensities and at different temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 10-12 October 2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway (ed.: E. Larnøy), pp: 125-127


WSE - Repository of papers:


Wolff I, Lenz C, Panitz M, Pfriem A. (2023) [Poster]

Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management. National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing) Conference 2023 - Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science, 27-28 September 2023, online




How is the colour change of wood assessed – as a function of time or as a function of radiation dose?

Lenz C, Gollee P, Pfriem A. (2024) [Proceedings short popular science abstract]


In: Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 22-24 October 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (ed.: D. Ridley-Ellis)


This contribution received an honorable mention in the run-up to the award for submitted popular science abstracts, which was written for young people (understandable for typical 16-year-olds) to engage them for research.


Lenz C, Wolff I, Beyer M, Koch G, Pfriem, A. (2023) [Data management plan]

DMP: Predictability of color changes of wood used indoor - A new approach to evaluate the colour change as a function of the radiation dose. Research Data Management Questionnaire. Zenodo.




Lenz C, Gollee P, Kühn M, Leich C, Pfriem A. (2023) [extended abstract]

Artificial irradiation (indoors) of European wood species at different irradiation intensities and at different temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 10-12 October 2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway (ed.: E. Larnøy), pp: 125-127


WSE - Repository of papers:


Wolff I, Lenz C, Panitz M, Pfriem A. (2023) [Poster]

Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management. National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing) Conference 2023 - Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science, 27-28 September 2023, online




DMP: Predictability of color changes of wood used indoor - A new approach to evaluate the colour change as a function of the radiation dose. Research Data Management Questionnaire

Lenz C, Wolff I, Beyer M, Koch G, Pfriem, A. (2023) [Data management plan]





Lenz C, Gollee P, Kühn M, Leich C, Pfriem A. (2023) [extended abstract]

Artificial irradiation (indoors) of European wood species at different irradiation intensities and at different temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 10-12 October 2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway (ed.: E. Larnøy), pp: 125-127


WSE - Repository of papers:


Wolff I, Lenz C, Panitz M, Pfriem A. (2023) [Poster]

Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management. National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing) Conference 2023 - Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science, 27-28 September 2023, online




Artificial irradiation (indoors) of European wood species at different irradiation intensities and at different temperatures

Lenz C, Gollee P, Kühn M, Leich C, Pfriem A. (2023) [Proceedings extended abstract]


Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), 10-12 October 2023, Ås/Oslo, Norway (ed.: E. Larnøy), pp: 125-127


WSE - Repository of papers:


Wolff I, Lenz C, Panitz M, Pfriem A. (2023) [Poster]

Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management. National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing) Conference 2023 - Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science, 27-28 September 2023, online




Chart for the Core Objectives of Data Publishing within Technical Infrastructure for Research Data Management

Wolff I, Lenz C, Panitz M, Pfriem A. (2023) [Poster]


National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing) Conference 2023 - Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science, 27-28 September 2023, online




Introduction of shock wave technology to fir wood preservation

Sanne M, Kampe A, Lenz C, Gossel S, Wagner S, Haibel A, Melcher E, Leu C, Pfriem A, Lautner S. [Journal article, peer-reviewed,]

International Wood Products Journal 12 (1): 3-6

DOI: 10.1080/20426445.2020.1838215


Coming from dry regions Norway spruce seedlings suffer less under drought

Bolte A, Sanders T, Natkhin M, Czajkowski T, Chakraborty T, Liesebach H, Kersten B, Mader M, Liesebach M, Lenz C, Lautner S, Löffler S, Kätzel R. [Project brief / Thünen Institute]


Project brief / Thünen Institute, 2021/16a, Braunschweig : Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei

URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:253-202106-dn063677-7

DOI: 10.3220/PB1623066406000


"Analysis of irradiated, untreated wood surfaces using UV-microspectrophotometry (UMSP)"
Lenz C, Koch G, Pfriem A.
6th Wood Anatomy Colloquium, organised by the Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH (IHD), 08.11.2024, Dresden, Saxony, Germany


"How is the colour change of wood assessed - as a function of time or as a function of radiation dose?"
Lenz C, Gollee P, Pfriem A.
20th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE2024), 23.10.2024, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


"From practice to science"
Input lecture for pupils in a vocational school class from Hamburg, 19.04.2023, HNE Eberswalde, Germany


"From practice to science"
Lecture on career guidance for school leavers at Finow grammar school, 02.03.2023, Finow, Germany


IDs and Social Media

ResearcherID - Web of Science:




Scopus Author ID: