komm:loop simulation game brings municipalities into the cycle
The project team at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) has developed and finalised the komm:loop simulation game. It is available to local authorities via the zirkulierBAR research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Simulation game komm:loop, presented by Hannah Di Terlizzi and Dr Markus Ulrich

Business game komm:loop, presented by Hannah Di Terlizzi and Dr Markus Ulrich

Business game komm:loop, presented by Hannah Di Terlizzi and Dr Markus Ulrich
The komm:loop simulation game was developed as part of the zirkulierBAR project. It is an experimental space in which the players explore the path to a circular future in the role of municipal actors. In the game, they jointly initiate the sanitary and nutrient transition from a municipal perspective with the help of a project. "Together" is to be taken literally: As in reality, change in komm:loop can only succeed with strong alliances. What strengths do people and organisations need for this system change? How can resources be utilised in such a way that, despite the upcoming transformation, mandatory municipal tasks are not lost sight of? In the reflection and transfer phase, systemic contexts are explored in greater depth and the game experience is concretised with regard to practical application in one's own field of activity.
- komm:loop was tested with various interest groups during the development process, e.g. with municipal stakeholders, students, planning game experts and interested members of the public.
- komm:loop was published under a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY-SA). It can be accompanied by trained game leaders or self-organised. Some game kits can be borrowed for a processing fee, but it is also possible to produce game kits yourself.
The authors behind the simulation game are Dr Markus Ulrich, Hannah Di Terlizzi and Katja Searles. Prof. Jutta Knopf, head of the HNEE Master's degree programme in Sustainable Corporate Management, was in charge of the project management for the development of the simulation game.
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The photos available here may be used for reporting purposes. Please note the copyright notice © HNEE & UCS / zirkulierBAR