Ideas for sustainable digitisation projects wanted!
The research and innovation project "InNoWest - Just do it! Sustainable and digital together in North and West Brandenburg" is looking for project ideas in the field of sustainable digitalisation. Selected proposals will then be implemented. The competition is aimed at local authorities, civil society initiatives, municipal businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in North and West Brandenburg. The research team consists of scientists from the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) and the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB).

The InNoWest sub-project "User-centred digitalisation for sustainable development" aims to implement innovative digitalisation projects in North and West Brandenburg and thus strengthen ecological and social sustainability in the region. The projects are to be implemented in close cooperation with local stakeholders and with the involvement of their expertise.
The aim of the ideas and implementation competition is to identify current needs, establish contacts and select the best project ideas for implementation. The competition is aimed at local authorities (districts, municipalities, offices), civil society (clubs, associations, initiatives, etc.), municipal companies and SMEs (< 250 employees) in the districts of Uckermark, Barnim, Oberhavel, Ostprignitz-Ruppin, Prignitz, Havelland, Potsdam-Mittelmark, Teltow-Fläming and the independent cities of Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel.
We are particularly looking for ideas that contribute to public services of general interest and thus to the local quality of life. Implementation can take place up to the year 2027. The expertise in the project team ranges from classic IT, geo-information, sensor technology and data visualisation to urban development.
The competition, which is designed as an online survey, allows representatives of the target groups to easily share their ideas in the field of sustainable digitalisation and - if desired - apply directly for their implementation by the interdisciplinary project team. If the ideas submitted are still at an early stage, there is the opportunity to obtain feedback from the scientists on their feasibility. In addition, the digital solutions that the project team is currently working on will be presented at the end of the competition. Anyone interested can register for the transfer of these solutions with just one click.
Ideas can be submitted here until 15 April 2024. Completing the questionnaire takes approx. 5-30 minutes, depending on the scope of your ideas.
Further information:
To the sub-project "User-centred digitalisation for sustainable development"
About the project:
The joint project 'InNoWest - Just do it! Sustainable and digital together in North-West Brandenburg' is being jointly implemented by the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) and the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB).
The project is being funded by the federal government and Brandenburg with up to 14.7 million euros until 2027 as part of the 'Innovative University' funding initiative of the Joint Science Conference.
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