Biosphere Reserves Institute

For the sustainable development of biosphere reserves worldwide

The Biosphere Reserves Institute (BRI) is a scientific institution at HNEE that was founded in 2019 to promote education, research and networking in the field of sustainable development. Its work focuses on the → UNESCO programme "Man and the Biosphere" and the global network of biosphere reserves. Through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, the BRI develops innovative solutions for the challenges in biosphere reserves and trains specialists for a sustainable future.


Bridge between theory and practice

Biosphere reserves have been established since 1976 as part of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" programme and are now regarded as model regions for sustainable development. Their aim is to combine the protection of biodiversity with economic and social development, applying complex spatial and administrative concepts. However, there is often a gap between theory and practice. Our mission is to support biosphere reserves on their way to becoming true models of sustainability. We train specialists, coordinate practical research on current challenges and promote the transfer of knowledge to the management of these protected areas.

Innovative Forschung und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das Biosphere Reserves Institute der HNEE

Providing impetus and creating knowledge

Our vision is to be recognised as a leading think tank for innovative research, education and cooperation in the field of sustainable development.

In order to strengthen biosphere reserves as model regions for sustainable development, the BRI focuses on four central fields of action:


  • Strengthening research - promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research on biosphere reserves, their management and their challenges
  • Teaching & education - international and practice-orientated courses on socio-ecological systems and sustainable change
  • Practical training - qualification of specialists for the effective management of biosphere reserves
  • Networking & exchange - promoting dialogue between science, politics and practice



Teilnehmende des TRANSECT Workshops erarbeiten innovative Ansätze zur Förderung von Biosphärenreservaten.

Our fields of action

The BRI has developed three main pillars as key activities for implementation.


The international and interdisciplinary Master's study programme Biosphere Reserves Management (BIOM) qualifies specialists for the sustainable management of biosphere reserves. Through practice-orientated teaching at the interface of nature conservation, society and sustainable development, students acquire future-relevant skills.


The BRI Research Training Group promotes the scientific qualification of doctoral students on the challenges of biosphere reserves. It offers an interdisciplinary platform for innovative ideas and sustainable solutions in close collaboration with practice partners and in cooperation with the Leuphana University of Lüneburg.


A research group initiates and coordinates various projects on the challenges of biosphere reserves and promotes the exchange of knowledge between scientists, practitioners and decision-makers in order to develop sustainable solutions and innovative strategies.

Strong network - our partners

The BRI's partner network includes biosphere reserves, NGOs, universities and colleges, which create an ideal environment for knowledge exchange and joint projects.

Die Michael Succow Stiftung setzt sich für Natur, Moore, Klimaschutz und Biosphärenreservate ein.

The Michael Succow Foundation is based in Greifswald and was established in 1999 as a non-profit foundation. It is committed to nature, peatlands, climate protection, nature-friendly land use and the establishment and promotion of biosphere reserves in Germany and worldwide.

Nationale Naturlandschaften e.V. ist der Dachverband aller deutschen Nationalparke, Biosphärenreservate und Wildnisgebiete.

Nationale Naturlandschaften e.V. is the umbrella organisation for all national parks, biosphere reserves and certified wilderness areas in Germany. Experts and interested parties from all protected areas are brought together to coordinate positions and realise joint projects.

Der NABU ist einer der größten Umweltverbände Deutschlands und engagiert sich für Artenvielfalt, nachhaltige Landnutzung und Naturschutz.

NABU is one of the oldest and largest environmental organisations in Germany. It is committed to preserving biodiversity, sustainable land use and strengthening nature conservation in society.


Commitment to research and networking

The BRI team is involved in numerous projects that encompass research and development, the interface between science and policy, as well as networking and training of practitioners. These projects provide valuable learning opportunities on the various aspects of biosphere reserves and the UNESCO network. They also provide important insights into how research findings can be integrated into practice and political decision-making processes.

TRANSECTS - Transdisciplinary Education Collaboration

This six-year partnership strengthens transdisciplinary research and intercultural competences for joint sustainability solutions. An international network of academics, practitioners and policymakers is working together, including universities from Canada, South Africa and Germany as well as HNEE.

MoPA - Monitoring for protected areas

The project develops methods for recording and evaluating biodiversity in protected areas and analysing socio-economic influences. HNEE is researching how visitors perceive nature experience offers and understand the conservation concepts conveyed in order to improve monitoring procedures.

RANGER - Shaping the future of protected area management

The project supports protected area stakeholders in Germany in the further development of their management and adapts training programmes to current requirements. To this end, the status quo is analysed, best practices are developed and new management approaches are tested together with protected area administrations.

Team and contact

The BRI is led by the academic directors, supported by the executive director and the scientific team responsible for the Master's study programme → Biosphere Reserves Management and the → Graduate Programme.

Dr Ana Filipa Dinis Ferreira | Managing Director

Dr. Ana Filipa Dinis Ferreira

Managing Director of the Biosphere Reserves Institute (BRI) at HNEE

Prof Dr Martin Welp | Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Martin Welp

Professur Sozioökonomie und Kommunikation

Prof Dr Carsten Mann | Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann

Professur Nachhaltige Waldressourcenökonomie

Prof Dr Jan-Peter Mund | Academic Director

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Peter Mund

Professur GIS und Fernerkundung