Start of the German Forest Days 2024 with the Day of Forest Sciences
On the occasion of the German Forest Days 2024, the Forest Science Day will take place on 14 September on the forest campus of the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE). The scientific institutions based there, the Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems, the Eberswalde Forest Competence Centre (LFE), the Eberswalde Materials Testing Institute (MPAEW) and HNEE, with the support of the city of Eberswalde, are organising a day of action for the whole family. It will address questions such as: "How are forests doing in Brandenburg and Germany?", "How is climate change changing our forests?" and "How can forests protect the climate, strengthen biodiversity, provide the renewable resource wood and clean water and offer us recreation?". Anyone with an interest in forests is invited to attend.

The "Forest and Knowledge" theme of the German Forest Days 2024 will provide insights into the diverse functions of the forest, its condition and changes with many activities such as forest tours (e.g. on the animals of the forest), lectures (e.g. on raccoons in the city), information stands and live demonstrations such as "robot-controlled log processing" or a "forest protection quiz". Forest soil is also a central theme: in the soil physics laboratory, soil types can be touched and experienced with the senses. Important topics such as correct behaviour in the forest, for example in the event of forest fires, are addressed.
After a short welcome by the institutes and the city of Eberswalde at 10 a.m., the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) Cem Özdemir will open the nationwide German Forest Days 2024 at 11 a.m. The German Forest Days are an initiative of the BMEL and take place every year on the third weekend in September.
A forest lounge offers a relaxed setting with music, food (including a goulash cannon from the Lichterfelde volunteer fire brigade), drinks and a photo box for amusing photos.