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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Sustainability Days

20th to 24th of May 2019

at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE)

This year for the first time, the HNEE is organizing the Sustainability Days, underscoring its claim to be a consistently sustainable university that contributes to a responsible shape of society. The program of the Sustainability Days shows the many facets of sustainable development at HNEE on five differently themed days. The Sustainability Days provide an opportunity to exchange views on sustainability issues and to engage in dialogue on topics relevant for the future. Workshops, a panel discussion as a prelude, improvisational theater, exhibitions, a project afternoon, an open stage, film evenings, excursions and lectures provide ample opportunities.

The Sustainability Days are organized by and for university members (students, professors and staff members) and are also addressed to the public, to civil society actors and representatives of politics in Eberswalde and in the region.

Get inspired and vitalize the guiding principles of sustainability at HNEE!

Event coordination: Kerstin Kräusche, Sustainability Management

Contact: I 03334 657-228

Download link for the program: Program_Sustainability_Days_2019.pdf 

In addition to the Sustainability Days, two exhibitions will take place from 20th of May to 16th of June 2019 at the HNEE:

Exhibition "Silent heroines"
In the exhibition "Silent heroines - shaping life sustainably", grandmothers in developing countries are portrayed in pictures and through exhibits, whose everyday lives are determined to use scarce resources such as water and soil in a sustainable way in order to shape the world for future generations. The concept for the exhibition refers to the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and was developed by HelpAge Germany.

The exhibition will open in Foyer house 1 on 20th of  May from 18:30.

Poster presentation of HNEE research projects
A selection of research projects of all faculties will be shown as part of a poster presentation on the city and forest campus. The exhibitions are located on the city campus in building 4 and on the forest campus in house 15.

Program of the Sustainability Days at a glance:

Monday, 20th of May 2019

Theme Day: Sustainable Learning




10:00 to 12:00

City Campus

Building 4

Room: 101

Experimental event on particulate matter (fine dust)

"File Y - danger is in the air"
With exciting experiments, we draw attention to the topic of fine dust. For a further sensitization, we convey in a subsequent presentation in-depth facts. We also introduce the project workshop "Smells like" and call for participation.

14:00 to 16:00 

City Campus, Building 6, Auditorium

Meeting of the working group  "Learning and Teaching Sustainability" from the Round Table on sustainable HNEE development

How can we further anchor Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the university?
Contribution to the university wide ESD debate with report and inspiration from the innovative teaching and learning methods, ESD workshop and other ESD activities of the University presented in a Market of Opportunities. Subsequently, suggestions on how ESD can be anchored in a doctrine of the HNEE are collected, discussed and evaluated (World Café).

16:30 to 18:30 

City Campus, Building 1, Room: 011

Panel discussion & Improvisational theater

"How consistent are we when it comes to getting from knowledge to action?"

How do we make sustainable development practical, how can we change our behavior? What inspires us, what inhibits - and how can we sustainably develop together in the region, in the city and at the university?

Panel discussion:

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm-Günther Vahrson (President of the HNEE), Anja Neumann (Project Transition Thrive), Linda Loreen Loose (Student Vice-President of the HNEE), Daniel Kurth (Barnimer District Administrator) and Friedhelm Boginski (Mayor of the city of Eberswalde)


City Campus, foyer building 1 in front of room 01.011

Opening of the exhibition "Silent heroines"

In the exhibition "Silent heroines - shaping life sustainably", grandmothers in developing countries are portrayed in pictures and through exhibits, whose everyday lives are determined to use scarce resources such as water and soil in a sustainable way in order to shape the world for future generations. The concept for the exhibition refers to the Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs and was developed by HelpAge Germany.


Thinkfarm Eberswalde,  Puschkinstraße 15

Film screening followed by discussion

Screening of the movie "The Activists" in the series Wandelkino

How can change be actively and locally organized? How can the sustainable cultural life in Eberswalde be further developed? "Jazz" stands for the genre of music itself and for an attitude: communal improvisation, active shaping and creative participation.

Tuesday, 21th of May 2019
Theme day: Effect. Act. Change.



13:00 to 16:00

Departure: City Campus, Building 4 (Alte Forstakademie zur Schicklerstraße)

Excursion to agroforestry project

Agro What?
Excursion to the project area of the Innovative Teaching and Learning Form (ILL) Agroforst Ackerbaum

Our changing climate also requires the need for a different agriculture. As a possible form, the ILL Ackerbaum explores the cycle of mutual positive influences of trees, hedgerows and crops on agricultural land. We want to show you and explain how this multi-layered management can look in concrete terms and why agroforestry areas were already historically attractive agricultural concepts.

We invite you to come with us to the project area and experience what a modern implementation of this management can look like. Get an impression of the agriculture of the future!

Bring sturdy shoes, as we want to trudge over the field.
limited number of participants! Registration until 14th of May 2019

16:30 to 18:30 

City Campus, Building 6, Auditorium

Come Together

Exchange between alumni who integrate and study sustainability in their professional lifes

"What do you do with it?"
Sustainability is a matter of course at HNEE, be it in teaching or in general higher education. But what about the subsequent professional life? Can I move something? Alumni of various study programs chat and answer the questions of the students.

19:00 to 22:00 

City Campus, Building 6, Auditorium

Sustainable Film Night - a cooperation between HNEE and PROVINZIALE

In very different ways, two films show what sustainability means: it is about living spaces, social relationships and missing frequencies.


Documentary by Duc Ngo Ngoc, Vietnam / Germany 2017,

Along Halong Bay are many floating villages. 46-year-old Nguyen Van Coung lives here with his family. Due to a resettlement program, they must abandon their extraordinary environment and trade life on the water for a life on the mainland.


Documentary by Alessandro D'Emilia, Nika Saravanja, Italy 2017,

David Monacchi is a sound artist, sound researcher and eco-acoustic composer. For 15 years he has conserved the sounds of the rainforest in his project Fragments of extinction. With high-resolution 3D microphones, he tries in many different places to capture the soundscape and to open up the habitat of the species through hearing.

Wednesday, 22th of May 2019
Theme day: Wednesday 4 Future



14:30 to 18:00 

City Campus

Activity afternoon

Information desks, workshops and hands-on activities

What can I do to combat climate change?

Learn alternatives to the consumption, disposable and waste mainstream in a relaxed atmosphere: "commons" workshop, cargo bikes sample testing, screen printing for climate justice, food saving, repair café, making exchange boxes, balcony power plant, energy cooperatives, car sharing, bicycle self-help workshop, upcycling, garment exchange party, starting a revolution ...

Pizza is served on donation basis.

Organizers / Exhibitors: Project Workshop Commons, Citizen Energy Cooperative Barnim, Hebewerk e.V., Wandelbar, Foodsaver, Schöpfwerk, Kreiswerke, AStA, VCD, Greenpeace, Fridays for Future Initiative Barnim, Alnus e.V., Netwerk N, and many more..

from 20:00 

City Campus, next to building 4

 Open Air Cinema

Critical spring night cinema
"Guardians of the Earth" - a startling documentary about climate change and the salvation of our species. Director Filip Antoni Malinowski turns the revolutionary World Climate Conference 2015 (COP 21) of Paris into an electrifying political thriller. What are those people who decide on the future of our planet? Who is a superhero and who is a super villain?
We do not only want to pursue these questions in the film, but also in a conversation with a speaker who is more familiar with our current climate policy than we are.

Drinks and small snacks will be taken care of. Please bring blankets and cushions depending on the temperature and your own preferences.

Thursday, 23th of May 2019

Theme day: "Cross your heart" (Health Day for HNEE students and employees)



12:30 to

Forest Campus

Workshops, lectures, sports competitions, medical applications, active offers, health checks, health promotion & preventive measures and much more

4th Health Day "Cross your heart"
Examination stress, activation counseling at workplaces, stress reduction through mindfulness, heart rate variability measurement, vaccination card check, physiotherapeutic offers, outdoor fitness and reactive walking, check and workout coordination ability with the challange disc, viking chess, boccia, volleyball tournament, hatha yoga, Brainfood, Smoothie Bar, Escape Room, Barbecue Completion on the Forest Campus

Additional Information : /de/Hochschule/Leitung/Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement/Diversity-Gesundheit-Familie/Gesunde-Hochschule/Gesundheitstag-2019/4.-GESUNDHEITSTAG-der-HNE-Eberswalde-Hand-aufs-Herz-K5828.htm

16:00 to 18:00 

Forest Campus, large lecture hall in the Wilhelm Pfleil Auditorium

Lecture and discussion (in english)

„Deep Sustainability: Humans as a Keystone Species“
Dr. John Hausdoerffer (Dean, School of Environment & Sustainability

Professor, ENVS & Philosophy, Western Colorado University)

Friday, 24th of May 2019
Theme day: Be fair. Be human. 


9:00 to 10:30 

City Campus, Builiding 6, meeting room

Roundtable on sustainable HNEE development

"Fair working conditions at the HNEE"

Despite often difficult conditions, how can we further improve the working conditions for employees at our university? The discussions at the university, e.g. at the strategy conference and in the working group "Appreciation" of the Round Table always show the great relevance of this topic. Together with the staff councils of our university, we want to constructively work on this topic within the framework of the round table with all interested university members.

The Round Table was launched in 2010 as a democratic body shared by all interested stakeholders, the Environmental Manager and the Coordinator for Family Friendly University, and has been meeting regularly since then, working together to identify major areas of action for comprehensive and sustainable development as goal of HNEE.

14:00 to 16:00 

Yurt in Forest Botanic Garden


"Silence, mindfulness and inner change in the context of transformation"
Through body and meditation exercises, we will experience silence together and explore new spaces of awareness and perception. Through methods of embodied ecology we show that change begins with our attitude. As a conclusion, we will put the experience into the context of social transformation.

Afterwards the Fair Town Initiative Eberswalde offers Chai tea and information in a cozy atmosphere.

19:00 to 21:30 

City Campus, Building 1, Room: 01.011

Open stage

Once upon a time…

Open stage Eberswalde for nature talents and artists of life

One stage. Your story.
Under the motto "Truly I. Sustainable Me " the open stage invites the to the historic premiere.

Whether in front of the  stage or on stage, here humans meet at eye level, tell, read, rhyme, rattle, sing and hear stories about real life. And that puts the ego in the focus of the sustainability self.

The Open Stage Eberswalde is happy to receive applications from self-proclaimed nature talents and life artists, stage-strucks and stage freshmen who enrich the program with their own personal story from the world of sustainability:

7 minutes p. P., in free form and language choice, live and alive, near and true, from person to person.

The open stage Eberswalde tolerates no racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory contributions.

Please send your applications for contributions until 6th May 2019 to!