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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Information for students

About the "Deutschland-stipendium"

The awarding of the Deutschlandstipendien for students of all study programmes at the HNE Eberswalde takes place once a year. The call for applications and the selection process take place in the winter semester, the scholarships are awarded from the summer semester. The scholarships will be awarded subject to the availability of funds.

  • The amount of the scholarship is 300 euros per month.
  • Scholarships are generally awarded for a funding period of two semesters, with the exception that the end of the standard period of study is reached earlier.
  • It is possible to take into account an individual's extended standard period of study due to Corona.
  • The scholarship is independent of age and income and does not affect the BAföG.
  • Scholarships can also be awarded for specific subjects.

Who is eligible to apply

Students can apply for an HNEE Deutschlandstipendium if they are enrolled as regular students at the HNE Eberswalde and as a rule are within the standard period of study. Applications from students of all nationalities and study programmes are welcome.

Scholarships are awarded primarily on a merit basis. This includes previous school or study achievements as well as voluntary work or other qualifications. In addition, personal background and special social or family circumstances are also taken into account in the selection process.

Students who already receive material support in respect of special talents from a public or publically supported institution in Germany or another country and in an amount of more than 30 euros per month are excluded from the application procedure.

For more information please note the Statute of the HNEE Germany scholarship (German).

How does the application and selection process take place?

The HNEE German Scholarships are awarded once a year. The call for applications and the selection process take place in the winter semester, the scholarships are awarded in the summer semester.

First of all documents of application must be complete and will be registered by the coordinator. The ranking is formed by given criteria and present evidences which are ranked by a certain scoring system. The selection committee (formed by lecturers and professors of the HNEE) decides about the final approval and can consider the proposals by the individual faculties.

Incomplete applications, applications submitted after the deadline or in an incorrect form will not be considered. No further documents may be submitted after the deadline.

More information

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about applying for a HNEE scholarship can be found here.

You can also find further information about Deutschlandstipendium scholarship pogramme on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Responsible for questions regarding scholarship administration at HNE Eberswalde:

Stefanie Lüdicke
Schicklerstraße 5
16225 Eberswalde

Phone (0 33 34) 657-180