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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Susanne's areas of expertise and interests

Areas of expertise

Agricultural economics: Farm management economics, international markets and trade, micro and macro-economic data analysis, modeling approaches, environmental and socio-economic frameworks and approaches.

Co-creation for innovation: Knowledge exchange between farmers and researchers, co-operation networks, closing the gap between farming practice and rural academics, partipation and interactive innovation (EIP-Agri concept and multi-actor approach)

Rural development research and policy analysis: Contribution of the agricultural sector to employment and value added in rural regions, value added food chains, agri-environmental measures, climate change policy, institutional frameworks in urban and in rural communities, role of agriculture in modern society.

Information, communication, facilitation: Dissemination of research results, disciplinary and transdisciplinary communication; engaging with our target groups - farmers/producers, agri-food businesses, stakeholders from agricultural policy and administration, and civil society organisations in the agri-food, nature and landscape conservation areas


Understanding systems - social and cultural context worldwide; natural ecosystems; family systems and heritage

Linking people - networking for their professional and voluntary engagement in short food value chains and sustainable animal husbandry

Animals - dogs, donkeys, horses, cats, ...

Trying to make a positive contribution - to private and professional groups and cooperations, to regional economics and the natural environment


BZÖK, Farm economics of production systems: introduction, beef and dairy (B.Sc.ÖLV)