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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
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Prof. Dr. Martin Welp


â–º Research professorship Social-ecological transformations with regional focus on Asia starting on 1.9.2022 (for four years).


Ongoing projects:

  • Lokal nachhaltig – Kommunalpolitiker*innen als Nachhaltigkeitsakteure (funded by DBU)

  • KonKoop – Cooperation and Conflict in Eastern Europe: The Consequences of the Reconfiguration of Political, Economic, and Social Spaces since the End of the Cold War / Subproject: "Environmental change and conflicts over resources in Eastern Europe (funded by BMBF)

  • VEGERA – Improving energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems (funded by International Climate Initiative, 2021-2024)

  • TRANSECT – Agrarian and Social-Ecological Complexities. Local Bioeconomy Scenarios in Central and South Asia

  • OekoFlussPlan â€“ Preservation of selected Ecosystem Services in the Riparian Areas of the Naryn River (Kyrgyzstan) using renewable Energy Technologies and Short Rotation Coppices, involving sustainable Land and Water Management and Capacity Building

Past projects: 

