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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Foundation of the Competence Center „Transformation for a Sustainable Future in South-East-Asia“ 


In 2018, fhe HNEE has founded an implenented an interdisciplinary competence center named "Transformation for a Sustainable Future in South-East-Asia" (TranSEA) , funded by the BMBF in the DAAD project, "HAW-Modul B". This  transdisziplinary competence center aims at further development, expansion and intensive academic networking of HNEE with partner universities in South-East-Asia.

Within the framework of such international networking activities about 20 international scientists, scholars and academic staff from Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam are visting HNEE within the next two weeks. This TranSEA network event is co-hosted by the international office of the HNEE and co-funded by the DAAD Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation (SESIN) project ( More info about the project can be found at: "Transformation for a Sustainable Future in South-East-Asia (TranSEA)".

The programme for the visit of the TranSEA delegation (19.09 -30.09.2022) for DOWNLOAD