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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde



Sustainable finance for

sustainable agriculture and fisheries 

The purpose of SUFISA was to identify sustainable practices and policies in the agricultural, fish and food sectors that support the sustainability of primary producers in a context of multi-dimensionsal policy requirements, market uncertainties and globalisation.

The Horizon 2020 project SUFISA ended on the 30st of April 2019 after a duration of four years.                                                                              You find all document for download on the SUFISA homepage:                                                                                          Publications of the SUFISA team at HNEE are here.            


A Horizon 2020 Project of the European Union

Call: H2020-SFS-2014-2

JU von aussen

The final conference took place from 18th-19th of March 2019 in Kraków at the Jagiellonian university

Available for download:

SUFISA booklet

SUFISA-Newsletter 7

Find out more about the conference here

050_Obst-Beeren-Fruechte_BLE Bonn Foto Dominic Menzler

Picture: © BLE Bonn, Dominic Menzler

040_Oel-Faserpflanzen_BLEBonn Foto Thomas Stephan

Picture: © BLE Bonn, Thomas Stephan

009_Fisch_BLE Bonn Foto Thomas Stephan (2)

Picture: ©  BLE Bonn Foto Thomas Stephan

Background of the project

A good functioning of the European food system is key to deliver food and nutrition security for all Europeans. However, that system faces many economic, environmental, social, and cultural challenges. At the same time, farmers and other primary producers have opportunities due to socio-economic and technological developments that are not equally distributed throughout the European Union.

SUFISA aims to identify practices and policies that support the sustainability of primary producers in a context of complex policy requirements, market imperfections and globalization. Knowledge on market conditions and other driving forces exists but in a fragmented way: relevant producer groups and regions have not yet been analysed or framework conditions and driving forces have changed in the meantime. Moreover, little information is available on cross-linkages between various drivers and future opportunities. Threats will need to be integrated for an encompassing analysis.

 The work of the SUFISA project is based on a close cooperation with practitioners and stakeholders of the agricultural, fishery and food industry, policy makers and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations. The combination of theoretical approaches and multi-actor involvement has been the precondition for the identification of practices and policies aiming at addressing market failures that hinder farmers and fishermen to improve the sustainability of their activities.

Eberswalde University — represented by the unit ‘Policy and Markets in the Agri-Food-Sector’ — is leading the workpackage ‘Stakeholder involvement and dissemination’ (WP5) and contributing to the workpackages WP1 - WP4.

SUFISA Workpackages

Figure: SUFISA work packages (WP1-WP5) and main study areas, Source: Authors' own graph.

For more information about the SUFISA consortium, workpackages, publications and events, please see the official SUFISA homepage.

Next page: Consortium


SUFISA - Official Project Webseite

SUFISA - Sharepoint

LIAISON - Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks


SalsaH2020 - Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food and nutrition security

SUSFANS - Metrics, Models and Foresight for European SUStainable Food And Nutrition Security

FOODSECURE - For policies that matter

SKIN - Short supply chain knowledge and innovation network

GLAMUR - Global and Local food chain Assessment

TRANSMANGO - Assessment of the impact of drivers of change of food security




This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 635577.

Responsibility for the information and views set out on this website lies entirely with the authors.