Visit to the Sino-German Agricultural Centre
A delegation from the Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ), visited us at HNEE last week. As part of the workshop and study tour entitled "Community based Agrobiodiversity Conservation for Climate Change Adaptation", the programme included not only the field day during the visit to HNEE.

In dialogue about craftsmanship and quality

Bread tasting at Bäcker Wiese

Meeting with Torsten Pelikan in the Globus Naturkostladen
Craftsmanship and the food trade as part of the value chain also played a role. There was an exchange with Torsten Pelikan from Globus Naturkost GmbH - it was interesting and exciting to see how similar cultural differences are used to formulate quality requirements for regional agricultural suppliers, processing companies and retailers. Björn Wiese from Wiese Backwaren GbR, Bäcker Wiese for short, painted a similar picture in his talk about craftsmanship and quality. As a master baker in the craft sector, he simply cannot afford to work with poorer quality than the best - i.e. organic. This is the only way to produce good, tasty and long-lasting bread - something the delegation was able to see for themselves. Organised and accompanied by Prof. Ralf Bloch from the Department of Agroecology and Sustainable Cultivation Systems - always with an eye on the value chain.
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The photos available here may be used for reporting purposes. Please note the copyright notice © HNEE / Ulrich Wessollek