Information event on "Reusable solutions for regional products from the jar"
On 7 September 2023, the Advisory and Networking Centre for Packaging Reduction in Brandenburg (BVVB), commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK), held an information event on "Reusable solutions for regional products from the jar" at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE). One of the BVVB's main areas of activity is the establishment of reusable packaging in regional production and marketing. The event was aimed at food producers from the region who are interested in utilising reusable systems. In addition to a presentation of the glass reusable systems Mach-Mehrweg-Pool (MMP) and Circujar, producers who already use the systems gave valuable tips from practice and on conversion.

Greater use of reusable systems in the food sector has great potential for avoiding waste - and contributes to the politically and socially demanded conservation of resources and the environment. In addition to take-away food and drinks, pre-packaged food can also be offered in food retailers in reusable packaging. Preserved and pasty products are particularly suitable. Until now, these have mostly been filled in disposable glass jars, which is associated with (recently) rising purchase costs for new glass and means a higher environmental impact due to high resource and energy consumption. New reusable glass systems and established systems are also increasingly being used for "new" product categories. However, a switch to reusable glass also raises questions: Which system is best suited to the product and the company, what costs are associated with entering the system, how do returns, cleaning and deposit clearing work and how can the changeover be made as smoothly as possible?
These and other questions were discussed at the information event "Reusable solutions for regional products in glass". Companies from the region such as three beekeepers (Imkerei Heilmann, Imkerei Lahres and Imkerei HonigBAR), a manufacturer of fruit spreads (Bock & Gardener) and a manufacturer of various organic products, including sausages in jars and honey (Ökodorf Brodowin GmbH & Co. Vertriebs KG) attended the event. Representatives from Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg, the Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Brandenburg Beekeepers' Association and Bioland e.V. also took part in the practice-orientated event.
Julia Klein from Mach Mehrweg Pool e.V. presented the MMP reusable system known from the dairy sector. Both the 284 ml cream jar and the 540 ml yoghurt jar are also suitable for honey, fruit spreads and the like. Georg Neubauer from blattfrisch GmbH gave an insight into the practical implementation and use of the jars for the entire product range, including delicatessen, sauces and salads. Gunter Beyer from the Gunterbunt apiary, who has been filling both large and small MMP jars for several years, reported that the jars can also be used for honey. Iris Vilsmaier from Circujar GmbH presented an alternative or supplement to MMP jars. The Circujar reusable jar is currently available in two sizes (220 ml and 440 ml) and is suitable for spreads and much more. Pascal Raschke from AllerLiebe GmbH, who has relied on the Circujar reusable system from the outset, explained how reusable processes can be integrated into the day-to-day work of a food manufacturer.
Questions and concerns of the participating food manufacturers were clarified during the discussion. These included the challenges of container cleaning, the choice of suitable packaging labels, the expected capital commitment through deposits and the question of how reusable containers can be clearly labelled as such for customers. The event contributed to the networking of food manufacturers and reusable system providers, encouraged a rethink and set the course for strengthening reusable systems in the Brandenburg region.
The advice centre will of course continue to support companies interested in switching to reusable solutions beyond the event in clarifying detailed questions. In addition, the knowledge gained will be processed and made available to other interested food manufacturers.
The Advisory and Networking Centre for Packaging Reduction in Brandenburg (Beratungs- und Vernetzungsstelle Verpackungsreduktion in Brandenburg, BVVB) was set up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Klimaschutz, MLUK) in June 2021 to promote the use of reusable solutions along the food value chain. The project is anchored within the packaging reduction working group at the Department of Sustainable Business Management in the Agricultural and Food Industry at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE). As a central contact point for the topic of packaging reduction in Brandenburg, the BVVB provides specialised information, networks stakeholders and develops sensible solutions for packaging reduction together with practitioners. The advice centre offers information and advice as well as opportunities for participation and networking under the following contact details.
Telephone: 0151-55155246
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The photos available here may be used for reporting purposes. Please note the copyright notice © BVVB / AG Verpackungsreduktion / Niklas Domke