HNEE starts on 1 March with a new internal structure

The Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) is reorganising its organisational structure. With the introduction of a nationwide unique matrix structure the previous organisation into four faculties has been replaced. The aim of this reform is to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation, optimise decision-making processes and specifically promote the areas of teaching, research and transfer.

In future, two departments will be responsible for organising and developing the content of research and transfer in particular. At the same time, all study programmes will be bundled and organised in two schools - the Undergraduate School and the Graduate School. This new structure creates clear responsibilities and promotes even closer networking between the disciplines.

"With this future-proof organisational form, we are positioning ourselves optimally for the challenges ahead. The new structure enables stronger interdisciplinary collaboration and more efficient management of processes," explains University President Prof Dr Matthias Barth.

This reform was implemented in a multi-stage process involving all relevant stakeholders at the university. With the official start on 1 March 2025, HNEE is sending a strong signal for modern and dynamic university development.


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