HNEE offers further training in wood preservation
In February 2023, practitioners working in the field of timber construction will have the opportunity to acquire the nationally recognised certificate of competence in timber protection in construction at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE). Registrations are possible until 13 January 2023.

Recognising damage patterns, using wood preservatives correctly and making renovation recommendations - this is what participants in the three-week course "Certificate of Expertise in Wood Preservation in Construction", which takes place in February 2023, will learn. "The course is aimed at professionals who want in-depth and nationally recognised additional training," says Prof. Dr Silke Lautner, HNEE lecturer and course director. It is aimed at all people who work in the field of refurbishment of old buildings and want to expand their expertise as a competent employee in construction and refurbishment companies, as an architect or site manager in the preparation of construction and monitoring of professional execution.
The programme is packed with topics ranging from the remediation of fungal and insect damage to investigation procedures and building regulations. "During an excursion, building materials will also be identified and practical problems analysed," says Silke Lautner. Ten specialist speakers are part of the programme, which ends with an expert examination* on the last day of the course.
The course will take place from 13 February to 3 March 2023 at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Alfred-Möller-Str. 1, 16225 Eberswalde. The costs amount to 1,350 euros plus 230 euros examination fee (all prices net). This covers all organisational, personnel and material costs of the university. Discounted conditions are offered for students and DHBV members. Registrations are still possible until 13 January 2023. The course is recognised as educational leave in the state of Brandenburg. Employees can take up to ten working days off work from their employer.
*Specialists who have successfully completed this course and the examination are entitled to offer and be requested as competent and specialised in accordance with VOB/A, § 8.3(1) and DIN 68 800-4.
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