Closing event in Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg
On 12 October 2023, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) held a closing event for two research projects with technical demonstrations in Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg (Potsdam-Mittelmark district). Positive effects of very wet to wet peatland management on biodiversity were emphasised and technical solutions for soil-conserving management in the field were presented.

Prof. em. Dr Michael Succow, biologist, agronomist and peatland ecologist, began by emphasising the importance of peatlands and other carbon-rich soils in Germany, which cover an area of around 1.9 million hectares. Dr Sandra Skowronek from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and State Secretary Anja Boudon from the Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection emphasised the importance of practical research.
The majority of moors throughout Germany are drained for agricultural and forestry use. Raising water levels can counteract the negative effects on soil, water and climate, but can also have positive effects on the promotion and conservation of biodiversity. The conditions created by higher water levels are accompanied by new challenges for land management. A broad audience from the fields of practice, research and administration was informed about this in presentations and discussions. Wild- und Landschaftspflege Glau gGmbH, a non-profit organisation of the Landschafts-Förderverein Nuthe-Nieplitz-Niederung e.V., and farmer Andreas Päpke presented their tractors with wide tyres and light attachments. The company Biber Werksvertretungen presented tried-and-tested small technology from the Brielmaier brand and genuine innovations.
For sustainable moorland management, economic efficiency and the preservation of biodiversity must be taken into account from the outset. In the "PaluDivers" project funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with funds from the BMUV, measures to protect and promote the quality of the habitat for species typical of wetlands were developed on the basis of previous experience and compiled as a catalogue for the various very wet to wet forms of management. This catalogue will be printed and made available online in the near future.
Utilisation of the areas as grassland or in cultivation methods is also possible at higher water levels and is particularly desirable with regard to the production of renewable raw materials. This requires technical adaptations, e.g. to the lower load-bearing capacity of the soil, which were analysed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) as part of the scientific monitoring of the "ProMoor" funding guideline. Information and practical recommendations on the technical requirements depending on the water levels and plant populations were compiled.
Anja Boudon, State Secretary at the Brandenburg Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection:
"The ProMoor scientific project, which has now been completed after three years, is providing important insights into how farms can be supported in converting to peatland-friendly management - just like the 'Paludivers' project funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and other ongoing projects. The scientific monitoring of the seven farms that have used peatland conservation technology on their land and the present evaluation make it possible, among other things, to optimise advisory services and funding instruments. These are and will continue to be interlinked with the other pillars of moorland protection in Brandenburg and help to make moorland-friendly land use more attractive for farms. This is also what we have set out in the moorland protection programme."
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