Sustainable mobility
Photo: Wooden e-bike developed by HNEE students in cooperation with regional company.
No, of course we don't all cycle to college on wooden electric bikes. Nevertheless, we try to make our mobility behavior as sustainable as possible. Students travel throughout Brandenburg and Berlin with the climate-neutral semester ticket. Emissions resulting from internal university mobility, e.g. business trips, are accounted for and compensated. Excluded from this are mobility in third-party funded projects and excursions.
The HNEE vehicle fleet is currently being converted - two of our diesel buses are being replaced by natural gas vehicles. In addition, in 2020 electric car and a charging station were purchased and installed to make car sharing for electric cars available at the city campus.
Mobility behavior at the HNEE
Our regular online survey indicates that the majority of university employees arrive at the university by bicycle, on foot, or by train.