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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Sustainable canteen


The desire for sustainability and climate protection with enjoyment plays a major role among our students and employees and is reflected in the holistic approach of our sustainable university.

Students, employees and those responsible for catering at the Studentenwerk work together on the implementation of the sustainability canteen. In addition to health aspects, the focus is on an environmentally conscious and sustainable use of food. Due to the good cooperation with the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder), important milestones on the way to sustainability canteens could be reached in the last years:

  • October 2017 Launch of Refillable Eberswalde!, an Eberswalde-wide reusable cup deposit project for Coffee-To-Go.
  • January 2018 Completion of the strategy paper "More sustainability on the plates! Development of HNEE's cafeterias into sustainability cafeterias."
  • January 2020 Strategy meeting "Sustainability canteen - How can a sustainable offer be implemented and financed in the canteens of the HNEE?"
  • November 2020 Implementation of key milestones through menu change.

What we have already achieved...

  • Coffee, peeled potatoes, rice and beef 100% organic quality
  • 100% fair trade coffee, cocoa and bananas
  • Game meat 100% from the region
  • Fish 100% from sustainable fisheries
  • More than 50% of the meat comes from the region and species-appropriate animal welfare
  • We are a practice partner in the GanzTierStark project of HNEE, TU-Berlin and FÖL.
  • We support the positive effects of vegan/vegetarian nutrition on health and the environment: therefore, we offer vegan dishes daily and two meat dishes weekly
  • To the best of our knowledge and belief, we do not process genetically modified products
  • Daily fresh colorful salad bar
  • We offer fresh fruit and vegetables every day
  • We do not process fruit in flight
  • We are always there: We serve breakfast, lunch and delicious snacks: there is something for every taste - hot or cold.
  • Refillable Eberswalde - We participate in the returnable cup deposit system in Eberswalde
  • We do not use any to-go disposable packaging
  • Green electricity - We purchase 100% green electricity

Click here for the Mensa menus



Henning Golüke