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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

The Diversity - Project

The Diversity - Project was funded by the EU Social Fund and the state of Brandenburg. Its goals were the drafting, discussion and establishment of a diversity - management at the HNEE. This diversity - management helps to consider, accept and use the diversity of the social and cultural backgrounds, educational biogaphies and life situations of all university members.


The central result of the project is the Diversity - Concept which can be downloaded here in German and English language:

The concept was discussed in the senate and the executive committee in April 2017 and adopted in the present form. Beforehand the university public was involved through a extensive survey and two strategy workshops. The table for sustainable development was also discussing the topic. The concept is applying to the time frame of 2017 - 2021.

Further results can be found in EMMA+, in the Portal Diversity.
