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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

University Information Day on Saturday, 1 June 2024

Thank you for the great interest in our University Information Day! We hope that you were able to get to know our university and its stakeholders, our diverse study programmes and the special features of studying at HNEE and that you were able to talk to students, lecturers and alumni.

Do you have questions about our study programmes or are you interested in a specific programme? Please, contact our student support service team at!

Good to know:

You can also find videos of our study programmes and some events as well as interesting facts about the university on our landing page, in the media centre.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the organisation team at

Impressions from last university´s information days...

       TdoT 2019  TdoT 2019  TdoT 2019  TdoT 2019               



Contact our Team: