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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


The Senate of HNE Eberswalde monitors the President’s fulfilment of his duties.

The Senate is responsible for:

  • passing the constitution and other statutes of the University, where the faculties are not responsible for passing them, and commenting the statutes of the faculties
  • decisions on fundamental teaching, research, course and examination matters, and promoting the next generation of academics
  • making decisions on the university development plan
  • electing and voting out the President 
  • deciding on proposals of the faculties on the appointment of professors.Click here for the University Constitution and the Senate Rules of Procedure

The constitution of the institution as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Senate can be found here.



Head of senate

Prof. Dr. Uta Steinhardt
Phone (0 33 34) 657 306


Senate office

Juliane Pöschke

(Stand-in: Kristina Jordan)
Phone (0 33 34) 657 211


Basic rules of University and rules of procedure of senate

Next senate meetings

Protocols (Login necessary)




Prof. Dr. Uta Steinhardt (Head)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Cremer (Vice head)

Prof. Dr. Jutta Knopf

Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann
Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwarz

Scientific staff

Mario Schmitz
Kerstin Lehmann

Other Staff

Annegret Jacobsohn


Selena Dami
Georg Mertens