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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Anti-racism work at the HNEE


Maria Seidel​​​​​​

Coordination of anti-racism work


03334.657 504

Please use our form on the Network for Diversity and Equal Opportunitiy page or contact anti-discrimination directly!

What to do after a racist attack?
Find information in various languages here, get in touch or connect to Opferperspektive e.V. - which offers advise and support in cases of politically motivated violence.

Racism has many faces

The group SOS Rassismus Barnim documents racist incidents in the Barnim and thus wants to contribute to a social visibility of racism.

Here you can find the chronicles of the last years (German language).

Discrimination at universities may arise in various domains:

for students: during admission procedure, student financing, study progress, for instance in examinations, or while entering the professional world

for employees: during advertising and recruitment, regarding payment, access to qualification and carreer opportunities, in the personnel management or the organisation of work

The The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) requires any employer to take adequate measures to avoid disadvantages.

If they have any complaints, HNEE employees can contact Katja Hiller, Human Resources Department.

You can also contact us at Experiences of discrimination often lead to psychological stress: You can also make use of the psychosocial counselling service of the Studentenwerk Frankfurt/O.

For information on current projects regarding diversity, equality, the advancement of women and family friendliness, please click here! You can find our anti-racism concept here.

Anti-racism work is part of the project FH Personal: "Gewinnung und Entwicklung von professoralem Personal an Fachhochschulen".

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