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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Disability Representative

The Severe Disability Representative promotes the integration of severely disabled people in the workplace/organisation, represents their interests in the workplace/organisation and supports them with advice and help. For example, they monitor whether laws favouring the severely disabled are upheld, apply to the responsible bodies for measures which serve the severely disabled, in particular preventive measures, accept suggestions and complaints from the severely disabled, and if they appear justified, works to have them implemented or rectified by negotiating with the employer. They must be informed and consulted in all matters which affect an individual severely disabled person or the severely disabled as a group.

Disability Representative                                                 
Stefanie Seidel                                                                    
Tel.: (03334) 657134                                                          

City Campus House 5, Room 05.016

Of course you can also send documents to me. The letterbox is located right at my front door.

Representative for the needs of university members with disabilities 

Jennifer Fröhlich