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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Important Documents

Direct links

Application for financial support by the AStA

All students of the HNE Eberswalde have the right to submit applications for financial support to the AStA. You would like to organize your own projects and workshops or urgently need funds for an initiative? Then you can contact us. The only thing that is important is that the AStA does not use its funding to support general teaching in the sense of the university or the study program. For all other projects it is worthwhile to apply to us before you spend the money privately. It is only important that you submit the application to the AStA at least 7 days before the next AStA meeting in person or in writing, but preferably by e-mail!
For events/projects on a certain date, the AStA meeting at which your application will be discussed should be at least two weeks before.
We are looking forward to your applications and ideas!
Application for financial support (as of: 06.1.17)

Minutes of the AStA meetings and the Student Assembly (SVV)

All confirmed meeting minutes can be read exclusively on EMMA+.
Can be found under University Portal > AStA > Protokolle.

Rental agreement for equipment rental

To rent the equipment, the renter must print out the rental angreement 2021  and bring it to the pick-up date!
More information can be found in the section Events and Equipment.

Dog kennel rental contract

For dog owners there is the possibility to keep their four-legged friends in the dog kennel on the Waldcampus during lectures for 50€ per semester.

Statutes of the student body of the HNEE

The statutes of the student body regulate the most important things that affect the students: AStA, Student Budget, Student Assembly, Student Councils (FSR) and much more., die die Studierenden betreffen, geregelt: AStA, Studentischer Haushaltsplan, Studierendenvollversammlung, Fachschaftsräte (FSR) und noch viel mehr.

Statutes of the Body 2021.pdf 

Rules of procedure of the AStA

Here you can find our current rules of procedure. In them, the AStA regulates, for example, how it wants to organize its work, how to deal with applications and how it wants to carry out its tasks.

Rules of Procedure AStA 2017

Financial regulations of the AStA

Finacial regulations of the AStA 2017

The financial regulations were created in close cooperation with the student councils in order to agree on uniform regulations for the legally required budget closings, but also to regulate the handling of requests for financial support to our committees.

SoliTicketFonds for subsidies for the semester ticket fee

In the course of reaching a semester ticket agreement with the VBB, the AStA has set up a fund. This fund is intended to support students in financially difficult situations for whom the financing of the semester ticket represents a great burden*. The fund is credited with an amount of 1 € per enrolled student every semester. In order to distribute the money as fairly as possible to those to whom the fund is directed, there are some criteria on the basis of which we calculate the so-called neediness. The amount of funding for the individual is calculated by dividing the available fund balance by the number of eligible applications and, of course, does not exceed the amount of the respective semester ticket fee. The task of processing and reviewing the applications lies with the Social Affairs Department.

Application deadlines for the respective semester

Summer semester: 01.03. to 30.04.

Winter semester: 01.09. to 31.10.


Application form and annex to the rules of procedure: The application form will be processed for the application deadline WiSe 2020/2021 and will be available from the beginning of the application period.

Welcome greeting for newborns of students from AStA

The AStA would also like to warmly welcome your newborn and therefore you can apply to us for a welcome greeting.
Just take a look at what surprise we currently have for your newborn child.

More Informations
Application for welcome greeting 

Welcome greeting for newborns from the Studentenwerk FFO

You can also apply to the Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) for a so-called welcome greeting. You can find the form here.
You can only submit it directly to the Studentenwerk FFO by mail or e-mail, NOT to the AStA.

Hardship loan of the Studentenwerk FFO

For the application of the hardship loan at the Studentenwerk Frankfurt/Oder, a statement of the AStA is no longer required since summer 2017. We have abolished this, in our view, unnecessary regulation in cooperation with the Studentenwerk. So please contact the Studentenwerk directly.

If you write us an email ( to ask a question, please include your phone number. This will help us to process your request faster. Information/applications regarding student services and form: Hardship_loan.pdf