Welcome to the center for further education
Further education despite having a job and a family? That’s quite possible! The University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde offers further education on a scientific level and with the help of highly qualified teachers. You can choose between further developing masters programs, certificate classes-, modules and programs.
The Center for further education works as a first contact for everyone interested in advanced training offers and members of the University for Sustainable Development concerning all questions about further scientific education at the HNE Eberswalde.
Are you owner of your own business or an employee. Do you have any ideas for further education programs or special wishes, which are not listed in our offers? Are you looking for a suitable cooperation partner? Contact us! We would be happy to advise you!
Current events
- 18.-19.09.2015 - Fachtagung "Vielfalt des lebenslangen Lernens gestalten"
- Auswertung der Frühjahrsbefragung des ibbf
- Betriebliche Weiterbildung auf neuem Höchststand - Hier geht´s zur Pressemitteilung
- Merkblatt zur Finanzierung Ihrer Weiterbildung an der HNEE
- Kostenlose E-Learning-Weiterbildung Klimawandel & Tourismus
- Neues Förderprogramm für berufliche Weiterbildung - hier beantragen
- Am 9.10.2015 startet der 4. Durchgang der Weiterbildung für Anbietende der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Drei aus sieben) Melden Sie sich hier an!