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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Tools and Apps

for the implementation of didactic E-Learning szenarios of the academic teaching,

for working with the study plattforms,

or in addition to lectures and exams

there are many different tools to support your specific needs. Students and lectureres can use these softwares for free or for cheaper conditions.
Here you can find a selection of these various tools/ Apps, which are useful for teaching as well as studying or supporting a group project.

As an alternative to fee-based softwares, we would like to suggest Freeware and Open-Source-Softwares instead. 

Tools for teaching and studying (to be translated)

Lehrmethoden  Tools_v6

Lehrmethoden  Tools_Erl


Selection of various helpful free and fee-based Tools/ Apps, which may be used in various szenarios.


A good website with an overview of various tools / Apps:

Further information: