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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


ASS_study and examination matters
1. How do I re-register for the next semester and where can I validate my Eberswalde Green Card?
2. When and how can I apply for a holiday semester?
3. How and where can I be exempted from the semester ticket?
4. When and how can I de-register?
5. When will I be de-registered after completing my studies?
6. What is the control slip (Laufzettel)?
7. Do I have to hand in my Eberswalde Green Card after finishing my course?
8. What happens if I do not attend an examination (written exam, oral discussion, presentation) although I am registered for it?
9. What should I do if I become ill before the examination date?
10. What happens if I become ill during the time allowed for a term paper?
11. What happens if I become ill during the time allowed for my final thesis?
12. How do I get a certificate of performance using EMMA+?
13. How and when do I get my certificate?
14. Are facultative modules shown on my certificate at all and if yes how?
15. What happens if I have gained more ECTS during my course than are necessary for the qualification, i.e. I completed too many compulsory elective modules?