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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Immunization strategy for students - and an additional federal-state funding program.



In addition to a clear testing and vaccination strategy, students urgently need additional support so that, on the one hand, they can catch up on learning, and so that, on the other hand, their psychosocial burdens can be alleviated.

The federal and state governments are therefore urgently called upon to set up a joint support program for universities and student unions.

The psychosocial counseling centers of the student unions urgently need to be expanded. This is extremely important for combating the consequences of the pandemic! After all, as the German Rectors' Conference also emphasizes, students have been in a state of digital emergency for three semesters now. They are struggling with depressive moods, with feelings of loneliness in digital isolation, with questions about the meaningfulness of such studies, or with fears of debt. These pandemic-related stresses will be with us for the next few years; the current strong demand for psychosocial counseling at student services will continue.

The federal and state governments must support students here as well, in addition to testing and vaccination."