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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Horizonte e. V.

Welcome on our website!


Meetings take place at the Forest Campus, you will get our invitations via Facebook and via e-mail. Please stay in contact with us! See also the Info page

What's up?


Das Horizonteteam lädt zu unserem Sprachcafé am Dienstag!
Ab 16 Uhr könnt ihr bei Kaffee, Tee und Keksen von der Jugendwelt-Räume aus die Stadtbibliothek (Puschkinstr. 13) erkunden. Wir werden uns gemütlich in der Sprachen unserer Wahl unterhalten.

The Sprachcafé is held on tuesdays in the City Library (Puschkinstr. 13).
Starting from 4 pm you can explore the whole library and speak different languages. We provide you with coffee and a few cockies in a relaxed atmosphere.
Come to improve your language skills, learn or talk the language of your choice.
The team of Horizonte invites you cordially :)

Impressions from the Sprachcafé

Here are some impressions of our meeting on OCctober 15th - thanks to the weather we went outside! Thank you all for coming and see you again in two weeks :-) 
