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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde


When applying for your visa, you must prove you are able to finance your studies in Germany. At least the living expenses for your first year in Germany must be fully covered.In most cases, applicants must prove that they have 11,208 euros (since 01.01.2023) at their disposal for one year. This is the assumed annual standard requirement that must be paid into a blocked account when applying for a visa. The German embassy in your home country will provide further and BINDING information on the proof that need to be provided.

Depending on your situation, following options of finance are possible:

  •  proof of parents' income and assets
  •  Personal savings secured on a blocked account from which you will have a limited monthly withdrawal of 934€
  •  the Foreigners' Registration Offices receives confirmation that someone whose place of residence is in Germany commits to assume the costs for you
  •  Scholarship from a recognised scholarship foundation
  •  Sponsorship: a declaration from a company, an organization or private individual (resident in Germany), agreeing to cover all costs during your studies

How much money do I need?

The exact cost of living depends on your lifestyle and your choice of residence (Berlin or Eberswalde). Monthly expenses such as rent, food, health insurance, medical supplies or books can vary between 600 and 934 euros. In addition, there is the semester contribution (administration fees, Germany semester ticket for local public transport) currently amounting to 347 euros, which must be paid each semester.

Please note: Depending on which bank you have chosen, it may not be possible to access the blocked account immediately after your arrival in Germany. Please make sure that you bring enough cash with you on arrival (approx. €600 is recommended) to cover initial costs (rent, food).

If you want to supplement your studies you can take a side job. There are legal regulations which stipulate how long international students are allowed to work. The rules vary depending on your country of origin. A side job can increase your budget, but it's very hard to fund your entire living costs this way. It is therefore a good idea to apply for a scholarship.

The extensive DAAD scholarship database for foreign students, graduates and academics offers a range of scholarships and additional information to help them with their application.


Video by Deutsches Studierendenwerk (As of: March 01, 2024)