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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

Internship abroad in Europe with ERASMUS+

You are planning to do a traineeship in another European country and do not yet have an idea of how Erasmus+ funding works? 
Then this page is the right place for you. In the following you will find information on the topic of internships abroad with Erasmus+ as a HNEE student

You can do your internship abroad via Erasmus+ both during your studies and up to one year after graduation.

Applications for Erasmus+ funding for an internship are handled by the LEONARDO Office Brandenburg at BTU Cottbus. The Leonardo office manages and coordinates the funds and the granting of full-time internships for the university.

In principle, mandatory as well as voluntary internships are eligible for Erasmus+ funding.


           Fotocredit: Oliver Reetz/DAAD

Which requirements do I have to meet personally?
What are the requirements for the internship?
Are there exclusion criteria?
What documents do I have to submit?
What financial support is available?

What are the advantages of an internship abroad through Erasmus+?

  • ​​​​​Enhancement of personality as well as professional knowledge and skills in a European working environment 
  • Advantages for an easier entry into the globalised labour market
  • acquisition or improvement of language skills and intercultural sensitivity
  • financial contribution to the cost of living
  • academic recognition and certification of the internship by the LEONARDO office Brandenburg



 Further information

 Website LEONARDO Office:

Open internship positions in other European countries: