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Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde

University administration, Chancellor

The Chancellor (Head of Administration and Member of the Executive Board) supports the university management team with administrative responsibilities. He is the head of the central university administration, and the employees responsible for finances, personnel, procurement and organisation report to him. The Student Affairs department is the department that is most relevant for students.


 Markus Koenecke

City Campus, Building No. 5, Room 5.206

Telephone: +49 3334 657-152
Fax: +49 3334 657-139 

Chancellor's Office

Claudia Jandziol

City Campus, Building No. 5, Room 5.204

Telephone: +49 3334 657-153
Fax: +49 3334 657-139

Please, if possible, arrange appointments in advance.